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Yuu and Damian traveled through the night, testing his newfound abilities. Meanwhile, Yuu's friends at NRC tried to reach her all night.

"I bet Yuu is at RSA. She's probably terrified," Vil reasons, trying not to hurl at the things he said to Yuu. "I hope she forgives us."

"Let's stop beating around the bush! The shit we did was horrible! Likely, Yuu won't forgive us! Especially seeming as we don't have proof that we were under a potion," Ace exclaims, his face red from the stress. "She's never going to forgive us!"

"But she was my friend..." Ortho sadly mumbles, memories of Yuu helping his brother and him.

"Wait, Ortho, that's it! You don't need to eat or drink, meaning you couldn't have been under the potion's influence! You're our proof of innocence!" Azul explains, making lightbulbs turn on in his head. "Though that still leaves the problem of figuring out what potion we were under."

"Let's get our friend back!" Ortho exclaims the little fire on his head burning a passionate red.

The NRC boys race to RSA and pound on the doors demanding Yuu.

"Mmm...what is that noise?" Yuu groans, getting off the bed and picking up Grim. "They're here..."

"Yuu! You've got to listen to us!! We were under a potion's influence! We didn't mean anything we said!" Ace screams, looking up at Yuu.

"But they did mean it," Yuu thinks, becoming solemn.

"Would you be saying that if you knew that you all drank a truth potion? You meant every word and action you did to me! I just want to know why? Why do this to me and still pretend to be my friends?!" Yuu shouts, trying to hold back tears.

"...are you fucking kidding me? We may not have known each other long in this world, but we're not pieces of shit! You know we don't think that about you!" Ace screams, climbing up to Yuu's railing. "But if it makes you feel better, we all love you."

Ace hugs Yuu and throws himself off the railing, making them both fall into the crowd of Yuu's friends.

"We're all ready to catch and protect you!" Ace yells, letting go of Yuu and making her see the open arms of friends ready to catch her.

"These idiots..." Yuu thinks, tears floating into the sky as Yuu sees her friends about to catch her.

Yuu falls into Deuce's arms, but he stumbles, and they fall to the ground. Everyone group hugs Yuu, almost crushing Deuce's diaphragm.

"We're glad to have our princess back!" Everyone yells, hugging Yuu as Deuce struggles to breathe.

"You guys..." Yuu cries, feeling overstimulated from the love and appreciation she's getting. "Let's head back home."

"Can you all please get off of me now?!" Deuce screams, his voice sounding like a little girl's.

"Oh! Sorry, Deuce!" Yuu says, quickly getting off of him.

"By the way, you can tell us if those RSA creeps did anything to you. We'll gratefully kill them all," Deuce threatens, cracking his knuckles. "For instance, that hairy guy in your room."

"Unfortunately for ya'll, you're not getting a chance to beat him up. He's my Yule Prom date," Yuu answers, shocking her friends.

"WHHHAAAAAATTT?!" The NRC boys scream, making Yuu cover her ears.

"All the teens in town are invited to prom as well. Isn't this exciting? I can finally have a chance to go to prom!" Yuu squeals, making her friend's mood plummet.

The Princess in the dormWhere stories live. Discover now