Chapter Eight: Out For a Day

Comenzar desde el principio

I stare at my phone for a second.

"Gaahh!! M-mom! Can I hang out w-w-with Craig today, p-please?" I yell.

"Sure honey. Be back before sundown!" I hear mom yell back.

"W-will-aaahhhggg!!- do!" I respond.

I return to my phone. Sure, come over anytime.

I wait a second.

Ok, what if i told u i was already here.

I hear a knock at the door. In a split second, I jump off of my bed, throw some suitable clothes on, and rush down the stairs to answer the door.

Craig stands waiting at the entrance. I twitch. "Gggnnn! I didn't kn-know you were waiting! I-I-I don't have sh-shoes on!" I say. He just smiles for a second.

"I won't move an inch if you need to go grab them." He replies. I nod spazingly, if that's a word, and run up the stairs to grab my shoes. Like he told me, he's standing right there waiting for me. I quickly put my shoes on and walk out the door.

"B-b-bye mom! Aaggg!" I yell. She says goodbye right as Craig shuts the door. He looks at me and grins.

"Come on, I've got money to go somewhere." He gestures for me to follow him. We start walking down the street. I smile as we walk.

After a while, I look down at his arm. It just dangles there.

I know... he probably doesn't want people to know because of what they will say. I'm not though. They're people we've come to be friends with. They won't actually care. Except for Cartman. Cartman's a bitch.

Oh well, one life to live, very few chances I'm willing to take, and this is one of them. I grab his hand with my own and smile. I twitch and shake a little, but I keep a hold. I see him look at me through the corner of my eye. He doesn't pull away or resist. He just walks with it as if it were normal...

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!! He actually does like me!!!! That's what this means, right? I think so...

I smile. We walk down the street a few more blocks before stopping at a cafè. We go inside and sit down next to each other. After a minute a waitress walks up.

"What do you want?" She asks in an annoyed tone.

"Ha-hazelnut coffee." I say.

"Same." Craig says.

The waitress walks away and we wait for our drinks. In the meantime, someone walks up to the table.

"Well hello, fags." Eric Cartman. Goddamnit, what is he doing here?

"What do you want, Cartman?" Craig asks.

"You don't have to be so mean, dickface. I was just stopping by to congratulate the new couple." He says. I feel myself blush as Craig rolls his eyes.

"Just go away." He says. Cartman chuckles.

"Oh, Craig. You know, I could go around telling people about your little date." Cartman threatens. Niether of us get tense.

"To hell if I care. Tweek, would you care?" I shake my head. "You have nothing on me right now Cartman, and whatever you want will not be achieved." Cartman growls.

"Seriously, though, you two are gay?" Craig stays still for a second. "Oh my god really??" Cartman starts laughing.

"Cartman, shut the fuck up and go away." Craig says. I smile.

Cartman walks away, growling and laughing at the same time.

Craig looks at me and smiles.

"Wh-what did he wa-wa-want?" I ask.

"I dunno. Something that, in his head, requires blackmail. I wouldn't know, because that list could go on forever." I laugh a little.

"T-true." I say.

I do wonder what he wants now... I don't care, but it makes me wonder every time.

After a while, the waitress comes back with the coffee.

We drink it, pay, and leave. We walk hand and hand down the street.

I love using that word right now; we. It's a beautiful word, but only with Craig, for me.

I'm just hoping that someone isn't going to ruin this. It's possible! Someone could persuade him to leave me! Or they could steal him from me, or his parents could move away because they are mad about this!! Aaahhhh!!!!

I twitch and Craig looks at me. "By the look on your face, somethings wrong. What's up?" He asks.

"N-nothing. I'm fine." I say. He continues to look at me.

"Hmm... I'll ask you about it later. For now, do you anywhere you want to go?" I shake my head. "Then... I don't know where to go next." He chuckles. I smile.

"Le-let's just walk." I suggest.

So we do. We walk all around the town, stopping once to eat for lunch. The hours pass and our legs are finally too tired to continue. We, somehow, reach City Wok and sit at one of the tables.

"Wercome to Shitty Wok, what would you rike to eat?" The guy who runs the place asks.

Criag looks at me. "J-just some ch-chicken to share." I say. The man leaves and we enjoy the luxury of sitting.

"Dumbass move, walking around all day." Craig jokes. I nod. We sit at the table and in a few short minutes, the man comes back with the chicken and we eat a small amount.

We stay in the restaurant until we're kicked out for staying in too long. We leave with the chicken.

We slowly walk and eventually end up at my house. I stand with the chicken in hand.

"D-do you want this?" I ask. He shakes his head. I look him in the eyes and smile. He walks to me to hug me. I would hug back, but I have chicken in my hands.

He releases and I stretch up to kiss him. "I l-love you Craig." I say. He smiles.

I understand if and when he doesn't say the same thing. At least I've gotten him to smile. He kisses my foehead.

"I'll say that same to you, I promise. Just... not today. Please understand." I smile and nod.

"B-bye! I'll see you tomorrow C-Craig!" I say, going into my house.

I love you Craig. You love me too. I'll be dreaming of the day that you say it.


Meet Me There (Craig Tucker x Tweek Tweak yaoi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora