daemon x reader - flea bottom

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A/N - inspired by HOTD episode 4 ;) 

Content Warnings/Kinks: incest (consensual relationship between a niece and uncle), imprisonment/abuse of women mentioned briefly (in the context of war), hickeys, finger sucking, praise kink, degradation, oral sex (reciprocal), rough oral (male receiving)/light face fucking, cum swallowing, creampie, rough sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex

Flea Bottom

Meet me outside the dragon pit

The note had said. Y/n walked through the underground halls, tracing the stones with her hand as she went until she reached the right area. Standing at the darkened entrance was a cloaked figure. She approached, her breath hitching when he removed his hood, revealing her uncle's short blonde hair, that bold Targaryen colour, the same as her own.

"Princess" Daemon greeted.

"Uncle" she returned.

He approached her carefully, caressing her cheek with the softest touch before placing a loose, woollen hat on her head, covering her long blond hair. He then grabbed her hand, intertwining his callused fingers with her delicate ones. As they walked, soon leaving the palace grounds, heading toward Flea Bottom, Y/n whispered:

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see" he responded, a small smile teasing his lips.

As they wound their way through the streets of King's Landing, Y/n noticed everything from the fire-eating street performers to the poor children begging for loose change. The twisty cobblestone streets and looming stone buildings intrigued her as she'd only ever seen the city through the windows of the palace carriages.

Soon, they reached a rickety, wooden door. Daemon knocked gently and an older woman quickly appeared, showing them inside. Y/n had never been in an establishment like this one. There was a bar and some tables in the central part of the room but there were also many hallways that led off to smaller rooms that Y/n assumed were for the various other pleasures being offered by the staff.

Daemon waved his hand as they sat down at a wooden table in the corner, signalling to the barkeep for two drinks. Once they arrived Y/n drank hers greedily, taking the opportunity to drink the wines her father prohibited her from having in court. She chatted easily with Daemon, first recounting his victory in the Stepstones.

"Did you take any women in your spoils of war?" Y/n questioned.

"No" Daemon grunted, smirking at her, before lowering his voice, adopting a more serious tone, "You should know I am not that kind of soldier princess"

"But do you take any women to bed beside your wife?"

"I take as many women as I please"

"Then why don't you take me?" She questioned, her voice slightly slurred from the wine which was going to her head.

Daemon stood, taking an aggressive stance.

"Come with me" he clipped harshly.

He then grabbed her wrist, dragging her from the main area of the building to a back room that's entrance was covered by various draped silks and cloths. He pushed her forward so that she stumbled toward the wall, towering before her, his lust palpable.

"There's nothing more that I want than to take you as mine" he whispered as he came closer to her, his tall frame towering over her menacingly, "I want to fuck you, and fuck you, and fuck your stupid little cunt until you can barely breathe"

"Then take me" she whispered back, her voice harsh, "I do not fear you as the others do Daemon...I am yours if you wish"

Daemon's lips crashed onto hers and in a single second, she was kissing him back with fervour. Y/n moaned at Daemon's roaming hands as they gripped her sides, her breasts, and her ass cheeks. Listlessly, she pulled at the hem of his shirt, encouraging him to strip. He obeyed silently, removing his clothing until he stood naked before her. Immediately, as if her body was working according to its own devices, she fell to her knees in front of him.

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