Lin Huang only needed a few preliminary calculations to realize that he would be able to elevate to imperial-level grade-9 as long as he completed all three of these missions.

Having considered things to this point, Lin Huang went into the missions section again. It did not take him long to find the three missions, once he had accessed the Black Sickle section.

After making sure that everything was alright, he accepted the three missions without hesitation.

Once he had done this, the number of times these missions had been accepted was updated on the missions list.

Very soon, people noticed the unusual activity and a heated discussion broke out on the forum.

“I remember the Wine Ant Queen mission. There used to be 13 acceptances before, why is it 14 now? Could someone have accepted this mission today? I also seem to remember that the number of acceptances for the Spider Empress was 21, but it’s 22 today…”

“What’s happening? Someone has fallen into the trap of the No.1 Most Deceptive Mission, the Wine Ant Queen one again?! I wonder if some rookie was tempted by the reward points and took it.”

“It’s not just the Wine Ant Queen mission, even the Spider Empress and Tyrant Bug King missions have been taken! Three of the most deceptive missions taken on the same day! It’s impossible that the same person accepted them all, right?”

“Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, rookies nowadays are very bold! Best wishes to him, so he comes back in one piece to give up on those missions, hahaha…”

“The ID of the poster above is rather familiar…”

“I think he’s the one who took on the Tyrant Bug King mission last year. He was the guy who ran out of the battleground in only his underwear after the bug horde ripped his clothes to shreds.”

“Hey! It’s been over a year since that happened, why do you have to bring it up in so much detail?!”

The forum aside, even some of Death Sickle’s upper echelons were discussing Lin Huang.

“Someone accepted the Wine Ant Queen mission on the Black Sickle missions list? I suppose it’s a rookie again?” The question came from an old man with a gray beard. He wore a red robe and sat at the head of a long table.

“It’s a kid named Xie Lin. He just registered a Death Sickle account today and took less than half a day to complete three reserve missions. He’s been promoted to Black Sickle level,” an alluring lady in a red dress responded. She wore a black hat with a veil, and through the veil, one could see her faint smile.

“There’s nothing so impressive about completing three reserve missions within half a day. The most I can say is that he is highly capable,” answered a grim-looking man sitting opposite the lady in the red dress. His face was expressionless.

“Out of curiosity, I looked at this kid’s mission record. The three reserve missions that he took on were rather difficult. What’s more interesting is that not only did he take on just the Wine Ant Queen mission after being elevated to Black Sickle, he took on three missions at once. The other two are the Spider Empress and Tyrant Bug King ones,” the lady in the red dress commented.

“He picked the missions with the highest reward points. That only indicates he’s a person who is greedy for points,” the grim man said after a moment of silence.

“Haven’t you noticed? The targets of the three missions he accepted have the ability to control bug hordes,” the lady in the red dress said with some emphasis.

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