"It's dangerous and you're working so many hours. I hardly get to eat dinner with you anymore. You're putting this job before me Taehyun!"

"Baby I told you, once this case is over I swear I'll quit."

"What if something happens and you aren't given that opportunity? What if you are taken away from me?"

"That won't happen Beomgyu." He held out his pinky. "I'd never leave you and that's a promise. Promise you'll never leave me, I know I've been a bad fiancé to you but you'll have me all to yourself before our wedding. I'll be the best man for you."

Beomgyu couldn't help but smile and he hooked his pinky with his.

"I promise. We're a team, right?"

"Of course." Taehyun pulled him in by his hips and kissed him. Beomgyu hummed against his lips and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

He pulled away. "It's late we are not doing anything I'm exhausted. Tomorrow morning you can tell me all about the mess today."

He took his hand and they went to bed.


When morning came. Beomgyu was making breakfast as Taehyun told him about last night.

"That Jet guy seems to really upset you huh?" He asked with a small laugh.

"He's so strange. One moment he's kicking my ass and the other moment he's protecting me? He's a pain."

Beomgyu brought his plate. "Well, he doesn't sound all that bad especially if he's protecting my Hyunnie." He kissed him. "But he should keep his hands to himself."

"He'd be scared of you if you two met."

"Definitely." He sat down with him to eat. "Hurry so you aren't late."

"Right...hey speaking of work. I realized I have never been to your job. Where do you work at?"

Beomgyu smiled at him. "How many years and you don't know?" He was panicking on the inside.

"Yeah, we never talk about your job only mine. So tell me about it?"

"Well, it's not as exciting as yours. It's just a simple desk job at a uhh...bank y'know. Helping people set up accounts and things of that sort. Boring."

"Which bank?"

"The one near that one school hey you should really finish up and so should I because I also can't be late."

"I should come to visit you one day and have lunch."

"My job is very strict and doesn't allow that but I appreciate the thoughtfulness. Besides like I said, it's boring I never have anything to talk about. I'm planning on leaving this place and following my dream of having a bakery or something. I love cooking especially for you."

"I think that's a great idea. I'll support you no matter what."

"Thanks, Hyunnie."

When Taehyun finally left for work he let out a deep sigh and then called Yeonjun.


"Alright, tell me about you and Soobin."

Yeonjun blushed heavily. "Th-There isn't anything going on."


"W-We just...okay fine. We've been sleeping together."

Beomgyu screamed and Yeonjun held the phone away from his ear.


"Ughhhh...I've always flirted with him but the night I went to kill that kid who killed Sunoo, we did a little more flirting and it was so...it was different. He flirted back and y'know...I broke into his house, we fought, then fucked."

Beomgyu couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"We've been messing around a lot but we got into a little argument that I don't wanna talk about. Last night he was mad at me but after the mission...I called him."


"And...we maybe had phone sex?"


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Have any of you called the TXTs sugar line??? Because I did and I was giggling and kicking my feet listening to Soobin talk to me. Aahhhhhh

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