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"Reading--is it---it's you..."

I heard the murmur of a voice and turned myself in the direction. And all went still. For a moment I forgot where I was but quickly I regained myself. Her voice, just as I had remembered, was soothing, while I was momentarily paralysed when she called me out again.

I quickly turned my eyes away.

"I am glad to see you. Hope you're fine..happy...have a good day. ''With that I moved on but I was stopped, a hand ivory as a marble and warm with care, pulled the cuff of my coat.

"Why--we are meeting after a decade! We are friends Reading!! Why so rude!?? "

"Please. Let's not get into those things. I am happy to see you. I truly am ! And I think-- parting with warm greetings without hurting each other, would be better. We met and it's over. Let us go no further. Stop as it is. Forget me. Forget we ever knew each other. That will be good for you and for me. "

I said all in one breath, took a step and again I was pulled back and forced to face her.

"Why--why? Why are you doing this ...? We were friends for 7 years---! 7---do you hear ?"
She was shaking with fury and I felt the strong push of her hold on my collar.

"And one--one fateful day changed everything! 3 years---we meet after 3 long years---and this is how you treat--me ??"

"Then what should I do Zenith? Tell me... If I tell the truth will it change anything? If I tell you I don't want to lose you, will it alter matters?


Doesn't mean that since I'm imperfect --humane and helpless--that I have to lose you too!! " I spat the words forcefully, my eyes burning with emotion and sadness and I thought at that moment, Zenith had caught a glimpse of it too.

"What--? lose...what do you mean... Reading....please--- tell me - !! What happened? "

"Zenith please go. Leave. You won't understand-- Leave. Go away. "

"No. I'll not. First you tell me why you pushed me away! You've to answer me. I always felt even when we were friends that you're holding back. There's a wall around you--that I can't get through--so high a wall that my hands won't reach you! I tried and kept trying ---but I failed ! "

" I beg you tell me why you're doing this ? Please tell me everything. I want to know! "

I looked at her hard. And the next moment I shook with such violent emotion that Zenith was astounded. She held my hand, I knew she feared I might fall since I was vehemently shaking. In answer I grabbed her hand tight.


Five minutes later I was standing with my head down and my hands holding the flower bouquet which I placed on the ground, near the tomb.

"Reading what are we doing here? Who is that--?"

An all pervading silence reigned for a long time before I could manage to speak.

"She was eight. She died on 11th of July. "

"It's today. Today's -- 11th !" she murmured, staring at me, realisation searing into her.

I continued like I couldn't see her, like I was talking to myself, as if there was no one except me and my solitude.

" She crossed her ninth birthday. Couldn't complete her 10th when we parted. When she left I too was nine at the time. " I blinked my eyes without emotion.

The BroKen MirroR - One Shot ( Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora