Simba x lioness oc

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Simba walked through the pride lands. He was feeling sad since Nala didn't want to be his mate. The didn't want to mate with the other lionesses since he didn't want them. He loved her but she was interested in another male.

As he walked he suddenly came to a stop at a pond. As he stares into the water and as he bends to take a drink he suddenly heard.

" Talu doesn't run that far you'll fall in the water " 

He lifted his head to see a white lion pup.  As he was about to greet the now frightened pup he saw another lion come out of the long grass. She had a white coat and soft silver bright eyes.

" Talu comes on let's go   I'm sorry your majesty if my brother bothered you we'll go now."

As the lioness was about to walk away Simba didn't want her to go. He suddenly said.

" Excuse me but what is your name"

The lioness stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. She then said.

" My name is Luna "

After she said that and walked away with her sulking little brother. Simba walked back to pride rock and found everyone busy with themselves. He went to lie down suddenly he remembered the lioness.

" Luna, huh what a pretty name "

Two years later

Luna stood up and was about to walk when she heard Zazu saying.

" Young lady where do you think you are going "

Luna turned around and smiled she wanted to go outside but she couldn't.
Because she was currently round as a yoga ball.

Zazu raised an eyebrow * idk* at her before saying.

" You are currently carrying the future heirs to this kingdom you shall not risk going outside and hurting yourself you highness lay down "

Then timone entered and walked over to Luna smiling.

" Luna look at you all beautiful as always "

Luna smiles and then happily said.

" Timone how are you and Pumba "

Timone and Luna walked to a shady part of the cave and sat down and started to have a conversation a funny one. Luna was laughing as well as Timone they cracked jokes and had a great time.

" Well, luna it seems like it's time for me to go back to Pumba," said Timone as he stood up.

" Oh really come on I'll walk with you halfway " Luna replies as she stood up on wobbly paws and then started to walk slowly Timone walks beside her.

As Luna says goodbye to Timone she turns around to come face-to-face with Nala. The lioness hated her since Luna was introduced as Simba's mate.
But Nala knew that Luna wasn't a weak-willed lioness. She could stand her own. She had the authority to offer Nala since she was the leader's mate.

" Luna " Nala said as she glared at the pregnant Lioness.  Nala knew that hurting a pregnant female was dishonorable.

" Nala," Luna said coldly while staring at Nala. The eye contact did not break until Nala looked away.

" You took him away from me," Nala said under her breath still a bit angry at herself for looking away.

" Nala I may have good hearing but I do not hear what you saying speak up," said Luna coldly she was starting to get tired since Rafiki said she was carrying more than one cub.

" You took him away from me! I was supposed to be his mate! He was supposed to love me and only me! I should be the one pregnant! You took everything from me " yelled Nala angerly.

Luna looked Nala up and down calmly before speaking.

" First of all, you chose to not take him as a mate as you saw him as not suitable enough so do not blame your bad judgment on me. Secondly, he is mated to me and will for the rest of his life be mated to me thirdly Listen little Lion if you have forgotten your place you are below me you are not near my status so who do you think you are to come to me and to talk this nonsense I am the mate of your leader the mother of his pups and also the leader of the white lions. You aren't even worth the oxygen I'm waiting on you trying to talk sense into that peanut-sized brain now if you ever try this again you will be mutilated by me "

Luna then walked past her and Naka knew if she hurt Simba's mate he would kill her. Zazu who was flying over went to tell Simba what happened. Simba smirked a bit before returning to prise rock and entering where he found his mate laying on her back cursing him.

" Curse you Simba, how dare you place me in this position when I see ill-"

" You'll what my pretty moonflower" luna who was laying on her back lifted her head to see who was talking and saw an upside Simba leaning against the entrance of the cave .

" Simba come help me please I've rolled over and can't roll back "

Simba let out a chuckle and walked to help his mate roll back into a laying position he soon lay next to Luna and licked her head.

" Luna you are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me you make me so happy and make me feel loved. I'm happy I met you that day at the pond. "

Luna turned her head and licked Zimbas Cheek before saying.

" Zimba I need some space please "

" Why "

" Just go get Rafiki, Timone, and Pumba because your pups are like you they just can't wait to be born now go "

Simba hurried out to find Rafiki, Timone, and Pumba and when they reached the cave they heard luna screaming Rafiki entered. Simba was stopped from entering.


SIMBA was finally allowed back in and when he entered he noticed 6 cubs laying beside Luna. She looked extremely tired he walked to her and licked her forehead and said.

" Your amazing thank you I love you "

Luna smiled and laid her head on Simba and yawned and soon Rafiki positioned the cubs to drink milk from their mother Timone and Pumba entered to see the little ones but they decided to come back another time.

Simba lay on the left Luna's head on his paw and the pups in the middle. Simba smiled at the cubs and Luna.

One year later

Six cubs were running around when they saw the sun almost rising they soon rushed into the cave and started to push and bite and jump on their parents.

"Luna talk to your cubs," said Simba as he snuggles into Luna. With his eyes closed.

" Before the sun rises their your cubs," Luna said as she smirked with her eyes closed

" Come on daddy you promised," said Nalu as she jumped on her dad. She was a copy of Luna but with a light highlight of red and abit of yellow. She has her dads eyes .

" Daddy come one you said you would do it " Kaku said as he pulled his dad's ear he looked like Simba but with Luna's eyes.

" Daddy! Come on" Yelled Simmi a light brown lioness with Luna's eyes said.

" Daddy you liar " Yelled Kuna as he jumped on his dads back looks like Luna simbas eyes.

" Mommy tell dad to wake up " Suna said as she rolls back and forth throwing a fit .  She looks like Simba.

" Mommy I  don't want to go " Lane said as he curled up with Luna.looks like Simba and luna mixed.

" Where are you going? " asked a lost little cub named Nami the your youngest pup. She looks like Luna.

Simba finally got up and spent his day with his cubs and Luna finally got her sleeping in day.




Was kinda lazy enjoy

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