"Well... that's the plan." Enrique flirted back, and walked slowly up to her. She had to look up at him, but he was the one that felt nervous. They stood chest to chest, almost touching but not quite. The thin line of air between then burned with charged energy as they looked at each other.

"You're going to keep me safe?" she tilted her head aiming for playful.

"Always." the seriousness in his voice made her breathe in deeply, almost gasp at his intensity. He definitly wasn't playing. Just to mark his seriousness, he leaned down and kissed her. Goosebumps raced down her skin and the fine hairs on her arms all danced erect in an almost painful rush. She ran her hands down his tightly muscled arms and felt the arm flex under her grip. They both pulled out of the kiss a little breathless and off balance. A huge part of her wanted to throw him down on hte bed and deal with this tension, but that was a definite no-no. He seemed to be struggling with the same urges so they put some space between them, trying to cool off. "Kitchen?" he asked, voice rough and Julia nodded her agreement.

So they ended up sitting in the kitchen, across the table from each other, drinking the ubiquitous tea. Her leg was bouncing as she tried to resist the urge to close that distance and remind herself of how he smelled, tasted, felt. "So... how's John doing?" she asked. Maybe forcing her mind onto unpleasant things would cool off this... well lust. Remembering her brother might loose his leg today definitly put a dint in her urge for naughty activities.

Enrique could see her leg stop its maddening bouncing and she pulled into herself. It was an instinctive, protective huddle and he wanted to comfort her. Without really thinking about it, he was out of hte chair, around the table and holding her to him. She wasn't crying this time, but she had managed to kill the mood and be a little more depressed. Freaking mood swings. John will be alright dammit! Now stop moping. She fumed at herself mentally but felt herself holding onto Enrique even tighter.

"He's doing well. Abuela is with him. She's trying to see if she can use pack magic to help his leg heal faster. It's not a sure thing because he isn't pack, but she's a stubborn old wolf and doesn't quit easily." Enrique explained. He could feel her heartbeat gain speed as she relaxed and listened to him. "Despite the Alpha's words and concerns, you will be pack. He will too. You both belong here." he held her face between his hands and smiled at her. "I left you behind once. I sure as hell am not planning on letting you go, ever again." the words slipped out. He'd meant to say something less...possessive than that.

But Julia laughed at his words. She closed her eyes and leaned against his palm, turning to kiss it. There were callouses on his hand from training and martial arts. They were rough against the softer skin of her lips an snagged at them. It was an innocent gesture, the kiss, but Enrique almost moaned as it sent a rush of energy straight through him like electricity. When Julia opened her eyes to look at him, her eyes shone gold, telling him that her wolf had done that deliberately and had no patience with their refusal to complete the bonding. It made them both vulnerable, the unfinished marking. It was a target and a lure to other dominant wolves and her wolf at least knew that she needed the protection of the completed mark. His own wolf was just as eager and fought against the restraining orders of his Alpha. It was that forced restaint that had kept him from following the wolf instincts despite the danger it placed them both in.

Of course neither Julia nor her wolf half were bound by the orders of the Alpha. She was an Omega and had no position in the pack but what she chose to take or accept. So she gently bit down on hte meat of his palm, just below the thumb. It was a teasing challenge, saying without words that she didn't fear a punishment for her actions, that she knew she had the power. Enrique felt his own control slip as he growled back at her, not angry at all. His wolf wanted to play too. It was the final day of the full moon and it still had a greater pull on hte wolf than any other type of moon phase.

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