Chapter 6: Kuroo gets broken out of a cell and Yaku gets to wake up

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The three faeries flew as quick as possible to Maleficent's castle. "How are we gonna get in?" asked Kenma "Through that dragon sculptures mouth." replied Kai "alright let's go before we get caught then." mumbled Kenma tiredly. Off the three went hiding from guards along the way.

"Well, well, well princey still hasn't gotten out has he?" mocked Maleficent "Shut it you hag!" yelled Kuroo "At least I haven't killed him yet." "What?" Maleficent rolled her eyes "Did you really think I was just going to let him sleep?" "You wouldn't dare..." growled Kuroo "Oh but I would." smirked Maleficent "Ta ta princey I'll tell your "Rose" you said goodbye. HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA!" "YOU HAG!" Kuroo yelled as he tried to reach out to her but couldn't 'damn chains...'

"Oof" said Kenma falling through the window on the door "What the-" "No time to talk you have someone to save from a long slumber." explained Fukunaga "About that..." murmured the locked up prince "Yes?" asked Kai "Maleficent plans on doing more than having him sleep forever..." stated Kuroo "What do you mean by that...?" a confused Kenna questioned "She plans on killing him..." Kuroo responded grimly "Alright we need to move let's go let's go!" announced Kai. The fizzing of the wands breaking the chains filled the cell "You will need a sword and shield, so take this Sword of Truth and Shield of Virtue to protect yourself against evil." spoke Kai quickly.

As soon as they left the cell all they heard was the squawking of that damned bird. A hoard of henchmen soon flooded the hall as they ran for it jumping out the window as Fukunaga had just got the horses chains off. Kenma had stayed behind and successfully turn that squawking bird to stone. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GOTTEN OUT?!...THOSE THREE FAERIES ALWAYS RUINING EVERYTHING FOR ME I MUST HURRY BEFORE HE GETS THERE SO I CAN GET TO THAT BOY FIRST AND COMPLETE MY GOAL!"

Suddenly the castle was blocked by thorny bushes. Putting his sword and shield to use he cut away the bushes and made it to the other side little by little. "NO!" Cried Maleficent from the tower she let magic transform her body and move her front of the prince. "YOU SHALL NOT GET PAST ME YOU PEST!" Yelled Maleficent a now large dragon "YOU SHALL NOT RUIN MY PLAN!" She started to breathe fire breaking the bridge behind Kuroo who was dodging every attack she tried to make. Because of the multiple times he got hit,  the shield had slipped out of his hand at one point and fell below. He took one look at the sword thinking 'This is it... I have one chance... I can't blow it... I need to save My Rose... And I will succeed in it...' Quickly he threw the sword at her heart piercing it. The towering fell to its death no longer able to hurt anyone.

The climb up the tower had been a long one but it was worth it for Kuroo. 'He's not dead...' walking over to the other boy with a small smile. "I'm sorry I didn't protect you like I said I would... I promise I'll protect you this time... I promise..." placing his hand softly on the others cheek he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Yakus eyes softly fluttered open "What happened...Kuroo?" "Maleficent went through with the curse..." "Oh... wait so how did I wake up...?" Kuroo looked at him softly "..." A soft blush covered Yakus face before he teared up a little. "Are you ok My Rose?" "Yea I'm fine..." "Are you sure?" "Mhm" responded Yaku before he pulled Kuroo back in for another kiss.

Yaku was accepted quickly by his kingdom. "The wedding shall proceed tomorrow!" shouted an excited king. "I can't believe it." said Kuroo as he and Yaku were dancing across the ballroom. "What can't you believe?" asked Yaku "That I finally get to marry you." "Same." The two felt like the world around them disappeared and that it was just them. 'God he's gorgeous I love him so much' thought Kuroo to himself staring into Yakus eyes. Yaku ended up staring at Kuroo also thinking 'I love him... A lot... So much... I don't even know how to describe it at this point... All I know is that I love him...' The two slowly leaned in once again for a soft kiss.

A/N There's one more chapter and this book will officially be finished. Thank you for all the support. Cya Tomorrow!

My Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें