Chapter 6: tempt

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I'm at Sakura's door step, my breath is uneasy and my heart is pounding. It had been quite some time since I last talked to Mr & Mrs Haruno. I'm hoping Sakura didn't tell them about our little rivalry. I wouldn't want them to think of me as a threat, otherwise I may never be able to talk to Sakura ever again. The door slowly yet surely opened, I felt my legs go numb then the pain released, it was none other than Haruno Sakura.

"Ino? Didn't expect you to be here at the moment," sakura opened the door to let her friend in,

"well I decided to check on you, i guess," I responded, "stupid! Stupid! Stupid! What am I even saying???" Why must I always fight in my head?

"Oh, well come in I suppose, my mom left enough food for two." she gave me a gesture and walked in the house. When I enter I see boxes and pictures of Sakura, (mini sakura! She's adorbs!) I picked up one with Sakura, her mom, and her dad. "Sorry about the mess, i wanted to clean the place up for my parents anniversary," she scratched the back of her neck, a bit awkward. We stood there face to face,

"do you need help?" I ask, putting the picture down and looking as formal as I could.

"For what?" she questioned, she picked up some boxes to move, i could tell she was struggling.

"With cleaning, what else?" I question, grabbing one of her boxes and moving it aside.

"Ino- you really don't have to-" before she could finish i moved all the boxes into the cupboard and i gave her one of my better smiles.

"Oh don't worry, that was fun" I smirk, she just smiles back and gives me an apron.

"Well, nothings gonna clean itself, is it?" Sakura picks up some spray and hands me another bottle.

"Windows?" I ask,

"Windows," she responds.

We get started on cleaning. At first we didn't talk, but after a few minutes we couldn't hold back. We talked for what felt like minutes, we got to clean the whole house, after what felt like 20 minutes, we checked the time.

"8:00" sakura heads to a cover board and pulls out fancy bed sheets and other pretty clothes.

"I'm going to fix my parents' bedroom, you can sit here, we did a lot of cleaning," she smiles now heading up the stairs.

"Wait- i wanna do something" i insist,

"well if you really want to, you can set the table cloth maybe?" Sakura suggests, i don't hesitate to sprint to the dining room and set the table. After that I set the cubereds, I organised the pantry making sure Sakura's mom would feel comfy when she gets back. Sakura is finally finished, she seemed shocked about what i had done, "cute" i thought. "Ino- you really didn't have to-" sakura's mouth was in awe. I walk up to her and put a finger on her chin, to close her mouth.

"Shh, i know i'm awesome" i smirk, she turns away and murmurs a simple


"SAKURA- ARE YOU OKAY?!?! I WAS JUST JOKING-" i scream in terror.

"Ino, im fine, it's okay... how about we just eat something" she suggests waiting for my response.

"Oh, sure!" I make my way to the fridge and we make two sandwiches, "I still remember when we used to make sandwiches together all the time," I sigh,

"yeah..." she mutters, I knew I made the room awkward.

"Why am I so stupid!" I straightened my posture. We stood in silence till I couldn't take it any longer. "Sakura, i just want to let you know your sandwiches are amazing" I smirk, she smiles and releases with

"Well glad you like them, because I think I owe you quite a few favours for helping me with cleaning," she smiles and makes her way to the table. We sat down and ate for a bit,

"so this is how mom and dad felt when they were together." I smile and finish up. When we were done eating we stayed up till 10 organising, decorating, and mostly talking.

"Ino, it's 10:00 pm- you should head back to your house-" sakura looks at me, i could tell we were both disappointed that the hours went by so quickly, i sigh and open the front door.


"Okay, change of plans, you're staying over for the night." Sakura didn't even let me speak. She slammed the door shut and grabbed my hand. We headed up to her room, (which was the only room which didn't get renovated with paint yet.)

"I would offer you a guest room but there's paint everywhere so I guess you're staying in my room till renovations are done," she lets out a small laugh to release the tension.

"Okay, it'll be like when we were 6 and had sleepovers" i recalled,

"yup just like that," she hands me some clothes,

"what-" i look at the clothes in confusion,

"You can't sleep in those, can you? They have too many buttons that could bother you in your sleep." she gives me the clothes and picks up another set, "you can change in this bathroom, i'll change in the hallway one," she smiles and exits the room.

"So- im supposed to wear sakura's clothes- sakura's clothes..." my face reddens from past experiences, i calm myself down before i become a tomato from head to toe. "Ino! Get a hold of yourself!" I tell myself, I enter the bathroom and get changed. "Oh- sakura gave me something mixed,'' I whispered to myself. The shirt was sleeveless loose sleeping / active wear with pink moons. The bottoms were a capery with a reddish magenta sun. I exit the room to find sakura looking a bit flustered since she and I were somewhat matching. She had a magenta/ reddish sun pattern shirt (¾ quarter sleeves) and she was wearing some shorts that went to her knees with pink moons all over it. "Hey, we're matching," I smile going near her to see how cute I look in her clothing.

"So, do you think I look cute?" I smirk, she just pauses, "what's with the wait?" I question getting near her to check her forehead, "sakura- are you okay?!?! Your foreheads are burning up! Do you have a fever or something?!?!" i panicked,

"no, no, i'm just thinking" she smiles and then tells me something that i would probably faint over and make a fool of myself. "Ino, i think your cute, don't worry, but also your one of the most courageous, most pretty, most coolest person in my life, you've shown me how to value myself and even after our friendship broke, so i wanted to say, thank you," she bows her head to me and i was speechless (INO YOUR REALLY GETTING ON MY NERVES DON'T FAINT I REPEAT DON'T FAINT THIS IS YOUR FUTURE SELF WARING YOU RIGHT NOW) to bad, i fainted. I open my eyes gently, and I see a cherry girl sitting beside me. I feel the surface I was laid on,

"so soft '' I muttered to myself.

"Oh! You're awake! Thank goodness" sakura's eyes lit up. I sat up to face her,

"how long have i been out for?" I question looking around for a clock.

"10 minutes" sakura reassures me.

"Sakura," my voice was still a bit weak,

"yes?" she leans near me, we were mere centimetres apart.

"I just wanna say," I take a deep breath and let it all out.

"I think I might be developing-" before I could confess there was a knock on the door. "Great." I thought. Sakura gets up to see,

"We can continue this afterwards," she excites the room. "I'm not sure if I'm happy or mad about the interruption, I didn't want to say something I might regret but at the same time I wanted to let the feelings out." Just like every day, I fought in my head. Sakura sprints up to the room and yeets herself on the bed, now she's in my arms hugging me and I was as confused as naruto on any exam.

"So what's the big news?" I asked, she pulled away, which was sad since I was enjoying the embrace.

"You'll never guess, Sauske might be returning to the village!" she squeals. I push her hands away from my shoulders and stomp to the bathroom. I get changed and head to the exit.

"I. can't. Believe. It." I stomped out of there, rain or no rain, the words I didn't say were "i can't believe you..."

A few flowers follow feelings ( SakuIno / InoSaku) ( Sakura x Ino) (GL))Where stories live. Discover now