6- Operation Cobra Part 2 (Edited)

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Hey guys! I hope you like the story so far. The next chapter (the rest of Operation Cobra) is going to MOST LIKELY be a very long chapter. But most of my chapters average around 1,500 words. Short and sweet. But that's where you'll get some of what the whole story's about. And you'll enjoy it. (Hopefully...) Anyways, enjoy!

Okay, so I did come back to this chapter and didn't like how I ended it, so this is edited. So this chapter is a little longer than before, and the next chapter looks like it'll still be quite long. 

July 25th, 1944: Near Marigny, France
~Y/N Pierson~

Anger pacified somewhat, I stared off into the fields that we were passing by. Perez muttered something about my father again, and I snorted. These men had zero respect for people they didn't like. But even then, I knew that my dad wasn't always... agreeable. Another awkward silence.

Aiello shouted. "Hey you know what I'd kill for? Some decent grub."

I scoffed, calling at him, "Fat ass!"

"You just had supper!" Stiles yelped as his tank hit a rock, jolting them far to the side.

"Hey, shit-on-a-shingle doesn't count." Aiello rolled his eyes. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he did. It was something that you just knew and felt when you'd spent a month with him.

We began to pass bombed houses, soldiers laying in the dirt, their bodies charred beyond recognition. I felt a twinge of guilt; some of these boys where just like me... young, happy...

"Hey, how 'bout barbecue, eh?" Perez whistled as we passed a particularly singed body.

"They never stood a chance." Stiles shook his head in dismay. He must've been feeling the same convictions I was.

"I'm guessing no to an open casket." Aiello joked, pointing at another body. The poor man's entire face had been blasted and torn off.

"That's somebody's son!" Daniels snapped.

Difference between Zussman and Aiello; Zussman knew when to NOT make a joke.

Perez brushed Daniels off. "Naw, it's a Kraut."

"Daniels is right. They're not all bad." Zussman snapped at Perez. The more and more time I spent around him, the less that I liked him.

"They did gives us Kepler, Mozart..." Stiles began, trailing off as Aiello interrupted him.

"Alright, college."

"Marlene Dietrich." Zuss chortled. This time I knew he wasn't serious. He was just trying to lighten the mood; a good man if I never knew one.

"And don't forget their inventions. You got the printing press, electron microscope..."

"Frankfurters..." Zussman interrupted, his eyes crinkling as everyone laughed.

Aiello, holding his stomach, groaned. "You people are killing me."

A distinctive wailing shot through the air. Everyone cut the chatter and looked around. "You guys hear that?"

"It's headed this way," Aiello called out.

From seemingly nowhere, two Stukas appeared in the sky. They were getting closer, closer, closer.

"Stukas! Inbound!" Perez hollered as we began to raise our rifles.

A whine. A flash of heat. Small shards of metal flying through the air, scraping at my face and neck. Instinct took over for me, and I hurtled myself over the side of the tank into the grass. I landed on my ankle, a full pain shooting up my leg. It was probably nothing, however. I sprinted after the rest of my comrades, wincing as I pulled a small shard of metal out of my neck.

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