His eyebrows push down for a moment in confusion, index finger pointing in the direction of the noisy party.

He is pretty sure he can hear Jeongin and Jisung screaming away on the karaoke, either that or they decided to watch a horror movie. No, their singing isn't great.

Beomgyu rolls his eyes, hitting Yeonjun square in the chest and making it clear he is sulking. Again.

"Next time don't start something you can't finish, Choi Yeonjun." Yeonjun smirks at that, pinching Beomgyu's cheeks and making cooing noises.

Beomgyu finds it strange, and greatly annoying, that Yeonjun never reacts the way he'd assume someone would. When he is angry Yeonjun finds him cute, when he is sulking Yeonjun finds him cute and when he is threatening him Yeonjun still finds him cute.

"You are so cute when you're angry, princess." Semi-drunk Yeonjun coos, squishing Beomgyu's cheeks closer together so his mouth forms the shape of a circle.

Beomgyu swats his hand away again, the harsh sound of their hands colliding cuts through the silence Beomgyu created when he first offered nothing but a glare in return for Yeonjun's confession. "Don't touch me!"

"Oh and why did you disappear earlier, huh? Where did you run off to?"

Yeonjun scratches his head, the hair on the back of his head ruffling up. "I thought we agreed about being able to get with other people..."

Beomgyu's gaze softens. "Oh..." His shoulders drop and his eyes flicker around while he thinks.
"We agreed not during working hours though."

"Please, you left me as soon as we stepped into the party! You didn't even bother to introduce me to your friends– –which I think any good boyfriend would do when they first meet his partner– –but I guess that was wrong of me to assume." Yeonjun rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest and then glares at Beomgyu .

It's always him messing up and never Beomgyu but he isn't going to let Beomgyu blame everything on him, not when Beomgyu is neglecting his own boyfriend duties. At least Yeonjun does the bare minimum and flirts with his fake boyfriend without almost audibly gagging.

"You even left me with that San Hyung of yours!"

"He just wants to walk to you!"

"Yeah, but how are we meant to convince them we're in a loving relationship when you avoid be like I'm the fucking plague!"

"I'm not avoiding you like the plague!" Beomgyu bites through a whisper, contrasting Yeonjun's voice when he realises how loud they are getting.

"But you do!" Yeonjun matches his whisper, voice coming out all high-pitched and whiny as he pouts in frustration.

He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest again after he's finished flailing his arms around in crazy gestures. (He usually does this when riled up, it reminds him a bit of his friend Soobin actually, except Soobin always uses his hands a crazy amount when he was talking normally too.)

He glowers at Beomgyu with such accusation it's like he's a kid who's been promised sweets to find out he's been lied to in hopes he'd shut up.

Beomgyu sighs and nips the skin on either side of his nose, below the start of his brow. Who knew having a fake boyfriend would be so hard?

"I'm sorry that I left you earlier... I'm not good at things like this," Beomgyu admits through a sigh.

Yeonjun's happy enough to receive an apology, it's good Beomgyu acknowledges he's also in the wrong.

"I know sweetheart, you've never been in a relationship, but shit man, you need to practice. If we can't even convince your friends, how are we meant to convince your family?"

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now