Number 11 chapter 1

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Moon's POV

Hi the name's Moon. I know this might be weird but I have powers! I can fly, control the night/dreams, and clone things from a long distance . Any way I was walking in the summer heat to go get something from the plaza for Reen'e ... Purfume. I know that sounds boring but I was forced. Don't judge me I know I have powers but no mortal shall know this because if they do I'd be sent away forever to this testing chamber where they kill people like me.😨 So i had an umbrella to shade me( thank god) but it flew into an alley so I chased after it . I can defend myself. Then a stranger who was taller than me with a purple hoodie that looks like a iPod looked down at me. This is what happen:

Me: *stress mark* you know its rude to look down at people sir

#big mistake

Stranger: *whacks me in the head* Exusue you I'm a female!

Me: Im sorry ma- where did she go

Then a boy with dirt blonde hair appeared behind me which made me jump

Then I felt dizzy remembering my powers (cloning) and fainted and remembered the tragedy that gave me this power so I woke up so I wouldn't see those images again. I thought the plaza thing was a nightmare. Until I saw the blonde haired boy again. Nooooooo! Why me 😫?! When I woke up I was in a different place. When the boy saw that I was awake he said "I'm glad you're awake sleeping bueaty. Any way we got off the wrong foot let me introduce myself I'm Shuuya Kano or you can call me Kano.

Narrator's POV

Moon just stared at Kano blankly. Then she asked softly "what am I doing here?"

.... Cut off next chapter 😋

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