"Have you been practicing for our big dance?" She asked with a laugh, and I furrowed my brows. "It's probably best that Harry changed his mind and asked you to join him— anyone else, and he'd have made an awful embarrassment out of himself." She shook her head while she imagined the sight.

"What dance?" I pinned another curl to her head.

"The champions' dance... The traditional dance to start the ball... Don't tell me he didn't mention it." She didn't look surprised, but she did look like she wanted to kill him for always forgetting to plan ahead accordingly. "You are to dance with Harry, I'm with Krum, Cho is apparently appearing with Diggory, and... I don't know who Blondie's date is." Hermione listed off her information. I wasn't bothered by the sound of it as I finished my work and grabbed my handbag.

"I've dealt with things much worse than messing up a dance recently to care." I chuckled. My half-blonde half-brunette hair was twisted back into a loose, but elegant, bun with curls hanging around my face. I had done my makeup in a bronze and shimmery look, and tried to keep it as natural as I could.

"Yeah, it's safe to say your Veela powers are coming in. Even I feel swooned by them— you look stunning." Hermione giggled before she linked our arms together. "Now, we must get going. Doors open at 8 o'clock, and we have a very... mediocre performance to put on." I don't think even Ron's shitty attitude could bring down her mood tonight. Hopefully.

We scurried through the corridors quickly to beat the clock and arrive in time. Just as we sprinted into the entrance way of the Great Hall, I nearly crashed into Harry's back as he stood in front of Professor McGonagall and waited for me.

"Sorry," I apologized quickly while I tripped. He turned and caught me from stumbling any further by my elbows. Stupid seeker reflexes. "'Mione and I lost track of time. I didn't mean to keep you waiting, H." I breathed out while I gripped his biceps and stared into his eyes.

This was the moment that the world had stopped.

"You-" He scanned my appearance up and down with his wild eyes while he straightened me back up on my feet. "You-" He tried again as he stared at my blush colored dress. "You're-" He kept his lips parted and shook his head ever so slightly as he met my nervous stare again. His thumbs rubbed the skin on my arms as he loosened his grasp and his lips gave me their familiar smile. "Hey, you." He said quietly. It seemed that meeting my eyes was relaxing enough to help him form words.

My heart fluttered wildly from his adoring expression, and my hands released his biceps while I studied him just as intently. He was the most precious person I had ever come to know. His black robes were decorated with the slightest details of pink to match me, his rings were in a perfect order on a few fingers, his hair was flopping lazily over his forehead, but it was all in perfect Harry fashion. He was a touch of heaven on Earth, and I was blessed enough to feel it every day.

"Hi, handsome." I greeted him. I carried a genuine smile that no one could wipe from my lips tonight.

"Potter, Evans— my word, I get déjà vú every time I yell that." McGonagall stood by the main door and waited for us to join the other champions. "Get over here."

"What can I say, Minnie? There's something about us Potter boys— I must get it from my dad," he chuckled, placing my hand on his arm and preparing to escort us in with the others. "We've got a thing for pretty girls named Evans." He gave her a wink that wasn't very appropriate. Normally, I think she would have given him a smart comment about getting in line or to stop calling her that name, but instead she gave us a far-off look with a weak smile and nodded in agreement.

"Indeed you do." She bowed her head.

The students cheered and clapped as we made our entrance and walked to the dance floor. The walls of the hall were covered in a sparkling silver frost with garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling over our heads. Small tables scattered the room for dozens to sit at, and I felt my nerves increasing when Harry curled our fingers together and pulled me as close as he could.

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