"My father?" Aine finishes for her, she knew somewhat the question was going to surface one way or another. Everyone has heard about the news, her friends, her schoolmates, there was no doubt that the professors know too.

"Yes," McGonagall answered. "You don't have to force yourself to talk about it if you don't want to—"

"It's alright, professor," Aine said. Her attention drifts to her teacup's handle and she strokes it, "I'm... Well..." she stammered, giving a small dry chuckle. "It does get hard to carry on and pretend that everything is fine when the hole he left behind is big. But I guess I'm still coping with it. I'm sure he's in a better place now anyways." 

She reminisced about the field of flowers, the massive blossom tree, and the last she had seen her father in a place she had wanted to be. A realm of eternal sunshine, warmth, peace and freedom without any shackles. If that wasn't heaven, Aine didn't know what it was. Either way, her father had looked at peace and contented there.

McGonagall reaches for the girl's hands and gave them a small pat. "I'm sure Elliot will be very proud of you. This brings me to ask you next... As you know you are taking your O.W.Ls this year, correct?"

"Yes, professor."

"Have you given any thought about what you would like to pursue as a career after your studies?" McGonagall inquired, she conjured out a scroll from her wand and peers at Aine's academic summary.

Aine furrowed in her thoughts, "I've always thought of becoming either a Healer or Potioneer..." she told her House Head. 

A grin crept onto McGonagall's face, she silently bobbed her head. "Just like your father, hm?"

The girl smiles shyly, "Yes. He is my role model and I've always aspired to be someone like him. I want to help people too, be it by treating their sickness or even providing some form of healing to those in need."

"That sounds like a lovely goal," McGonagall stated, "I'm sure you'll be able to achieve that someday. Considering your grades so far, I'm sure you'll be able to apply for both options." She placed the scroll onto her desk and showed it to Aine who glanced at it while McGonagall explains to her the requirements she needed to get in her O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts. 

In order to become a healer, Aine needed at least an Exceeding Exceptional score in Transfigurations, Potions, Charms, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. To say the least, she would be able to attain the career if she carried on maintaining her grades this year and the next. The conditions for becoming a Potioneer were slightly different and much more challenging as she needed to acquire not just an Exceeding Exceptional score in Charms and Transfiguration but an Outstanding, the highest grade one can achieve in a N.E.W.T exam for Potions, Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Aine could already imagine the strenuous studying she needed to do in order to become a Potioneer. However, she was highly motivated. It wasn't just Aine's dream but it was also a promise to her father.

"Why don't you pay Professor Slughorn a visit during your free time? I'm sure he'll be able to help you with your studies. He is, after all, a well-known Potion Master along with Professor Snape. Perhaps you can speak to them so you can grasp an understanding of what it's like to have a profession like theirs?" McGonagall suggested.

"I'll do that, professor," Aine replied with a smile. The two chatted for a little longer before the bell had rung, ending another period. It was when Professor McGonagall dismiss Aine so that the girl could carry on with her day. 

Just before Aine had reached the door, McGonagall calls out to her again, "Aine."

"Yes, professor?" Aine turned to meet the older woman. 

UNBREAK | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 5)Where stories live. Discover now