♧Endgame: Part 2♧

Start from the beginning

Tenzin and the children run the opposite direction as Amon goes out on the other door. When he starts running, Korra blocks his way with a wall of fire and makes another one to be safe. Mako enters a room with Korra behind him. Amon jumps over the wall of fire and looks to see where they have gone. He hears the door swing and enters that room.

Korra hears Amon's footsteps. Amon continues to walk past Korra's hiding place and stops for a moment before continuing. Korra breathes a sigh of relief, but suddenly writhes in pain as Amon bloodbends her out from under the table and into the air.

Mako: Let her go!

Mako tries to stop Amon from bloodbending Korra by sending continued attacks of firebending.

But it was blocked by Y/N who used his earthbending. Mako saw he was bruised and having blood going down his head. He turned to see Amon behind Korra placing his hands on her forehead and neck.

Mako: Y/N please, I know you hate us but do you really want this! Do you think your brother wants this!?

Before Amon did anything he waited for answer. Y/N just panted as he just out of the rock Amane put him in.

Y/N: Get rid of her bending Amon.

Not answering the question as Amon turned back as began to. Korra yelled in horror as did Mako and when he turned to look at Y/N he saw his eyes filled with nothing.

Amon: I told you I would destroy you.

Cut back to Iroh fighting the airplanes. Iroh generates lightning and directs it to the middle plane, causing it to crash to the plane beside it. The camera zooms out to the planes dispersing. One pilot shoots an explosive bola at Iroh's plane causing it to get caught up in the main propeller forcing Iroh to bail out before the plane explodes. As Iroh free-falls, he uses his firebending to propel himself to another plane and from there uses a firebending attack to disable one of the propellers on the plane in front of him. Iroh kicks the pilot off the plane and takes control of it.

A bomb manages to hit the rear end of the plane. Iroh tries to control the plane while another one above him tries to drop another bomb. He quickly uses his firebending and shoots it, causing the plane above him to explode. Meanwhile, his own plane is on a collision course with the statue of Aang on Aang Memorial Island, which has had Aang's face covered with a mask like Amon wears. Before impact, he quickly jumps out and grabs the Equalist banner, causing it to tear. He hangs in midair and watches the mask fall off the statue.

Iroh: Thanks for looking out for me, Aang.

Cut back to the aircraft base. Bolin groans as he destroys the runway by earthbending. Three mecha tanks try to attack Bolin with cables, but Naga catches them and pulls them, causing the mecha tanks to topple over and almost hit Bolin, who stands still as if not noticing it.

[I tried to find the video but I couldn't so, I'm going to skip it]

Camera changes back to the Pro-bending Arena.
It showed Amon blooding Mako as Y/N stood next to him as he glanced at Korra look so defeated.

Y/N: Do I really want this? Korra....

Amon: Finally, you are powerless.

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