Ultimate Power

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(The picture above is UGHHHHH So FUCKING adorable!!!! I'm going to imagine this every night now lolllll I hope I get someone to hold me like this! I'm like pretty short. I expected myself to be taller because everyone in my family is tall. But I'm 5'2 and I stopped growing like last year. My little sister will be taller than me in no time! UGHHHH lol enjoy! LOLLL! Sorry! I thought I posted this earlier! Lolll)

Bakugou's POV:

"Marinette!" Deku, Icyhot, and I used our quirks to get to the sky to save the students from the plane that exploded.
I was going extra fast just trying to reach Marinette.
"Marinette!" I yelled for her.
"Shit!" My quirk stopped for some reason and I started falling.
I saw her fall down and hit the floor.
I landed on the floor with her blood all over me.
"Ma-Marinette..." I mumbled and walked closer to her.
"Marinette! Wake up! Please!"
"Fuck!" I yelled when I felt myself falling.
I landed in the girl's bathroom.
"Marinette!" Marinette was getting beat up by the 4 girls.
"Hey! Let her fucking go!" I yelled and tried moving but I couldn't move my feet.
"Marinette!" I yelled desperately, trying to get her to wake up.
The girls left but I still couldn't move.
"Help! Mr. Aizawa! Marinette!" I tried moving my feet but I couldn't move.
I could see all her blood flowing out of her. 
"Marinette please!"
I blacked out and then I saw myself standing in front of a group of people. I recognized them as the League of Villains. But the front guy. I didn't know him. 
"We were right. Marinette did get hurt because of you."
"No! I saved her!"
"Nope. She's hurt. Possibly dead."
"No! Fuck no! I'll protect her! I'll fucking protect her till the end of my life!"
"We'll see...."
"What? What the fuck? What the fuck do you mean?"

"Ah!" I sat up panting, breathing deeply and harshly.
I could feel the sweat rolling down my forehead and back.
"What the fuck?" I mumbled and rubbed my forehead.
I breathed in and out and laid back down.
"It's alright. Everyone's ok. She's ok." I mumbled and closed my eyes.
"....Ok shit. Fuck!" I whispered and sat up.
I got off my bed and looked for my shirt. 
After grabbing my tank top from the floor, I rubbed my eyes and left my room.

I walked down the hall, passed the elevators, and into the girl's side.
I walked to Mina's room and knocked gently.
A few seconds later, Mina opens the door while holding a pillow and her blanket.
"Again?" She groaned.
"Whatever. See ya in the morning." She mumbled and walked away probably to round faces room.
I walked into the room and closed the door gently.
I threw my tank top on the floor, lifted the blanket and crawled in.
Lying right beside my beautiful girlfriend.
"Mmm~ Katsu?"
"Shh go to sleep..." I mumbled and laid my head down on her pillow.
"Another nightmare?" She whispered getting closer to me.
"Do you want to talk about it this time?"
"It's alright. But you can tell me whenever, ok?"
I chuckled and pulled her closer to me. 
I pulled myself down a bit and pushed my face into her soft warm chest. 
She wrapped her arms around my neck and used one hand to run it through my hair.
I wrapped my arms around her stomach.
"Hmm...That feels good.." I mumbled sleepily.
"Go to sleep, Katsu baby. I got you." She whispered in my ear. 
"Thank you.." I mumbled.
"Anytime, Katsu. Anytime."

Marinette's POV:
Katsu had another nightmare at night.
He's been having nightmares ever since I got beat up in the bathroom.
And ever since then, he's been coming to my room, kicking Mina out and sleeping with me. 

"Let's do this!" I smirked and brought out all of my dragons.
I made Suijin and Dojin stay above me on both of my sides.
I made Fujin and Kasai right beside me on both of my sides.  
I did some training with my dragons and fought off Katsuki, Todoroki, and Midoriya.

I knocked Todoroki and Midoriya out of the circle.
"Looks like it's just us, Blueberry~" Katsuki smirked.
"I'm going to destroy you!" I smirked and ran at him.

We fought for a while, but none of us could get close to each other to push the other out of the circle. 
"I'm going to end you!" Katsuki yelled and made this huge explosion.
It was aimed at me and I couldn't dodge it.
"Ah!" I put my hands in front of me and suddenly I saw all 4 of my dragons, connect and went through the explosion and hit Katsuki. 
"Shit!" Katsuki yelled and fell out of the circle. 
Everyone was quiet.
"That was so awesome!" Midoriya came jumping toward me with a huge smile.
"Uhh th-thanks, Midoriya. Kat-Katsuki!" I ran to Katsuki.
"Are you ok?" I mumbled while sitting on my knees and helping him sit.
"That was fucking awesome! What was that?" He asked and hugged me.
"I have no idea."

"That might've been your big power. Like a power, you would use at the end. Your ultimate power."
"What do you want to call it?"
"That's an awesome name!"

"Yes?" I hummed.
I was in Katsu's room.
I was on his bed reading a book about dragons mixing.
"Blueberry!" Bakugou groaned and dropped himself on the bed.
"Katsuki stop moving the bed."
"Stop being boring and do something with me!" Ever since we started dating he's been clingy. 
And don't mind me.
It's adorable and I love it.
But I like annoying him too.
"Can you do something with me?"
"I'm reading, Katsu."
"Ugh!" He groaned and threw his head back.
I kept quiet and peek over my book and looked at him.
I sighed lightly and closed my book and slowly crawled toward him.
I laid myself next to him and put my head on his arm.
I turned towards him and put my leg on him.
"Hey.." He chuckled lightly and turned towards me too. 
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.
"I missed you." He mumbled.
"I missed you too, Katsu," I mumbled and closed my eyes.
He was always very warm. He's like a big blanket.
I pulled myself closer to him and sighed.
I snuggled my face against his chest and smiled.
"You're so warm, Katsu."
"See? Better than reading a book?"
"Shut up..." I mumbled.
"Go to sleep, Blueberry."

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