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After waking up in the morning, my parents and I had our talk about Heeseung and Riki like I insisted on having. They apologized for keeping the truth from me for so long, but eventually I forgave them anyway.

Now, I sit on the floor in my bedroom, rummaging through my backpack filled with various things while Jungwon sits on my bed, amusing himself with any knickknack he finds.

"And what does it do?" Jungwon asks while examining my cellphone in his hand, turning it around and tapping the screen cluelessly.

"Mm, it connects you to places all around the world, and you can talk to anyone really," I explain while stifling my laugh, watching as his eyes widen slightly.

"So it's like.. the raven messengers?" he questions with his eyebrows arched, causing me to snort.

"Sure, think of it as a portable raven messenger that can fit in your pocket," I remark in amusement, turning my back to him to continue taking out items that need to be stored away with a laugh.

"What are the things that keep popping up? The words say Taehyun, is it a message?" he asks in confusion, making me whip my head around quickly.

"Let me see," I instruct while extending my arm out, causing him to place my phone in my hand instantly. I widen my eyes as I see the immense amount of notifications in the notification center, causing me to scratch the side of my head sheepishly. As soon as a new notification pops up I click on it right away, directing me to my friends and I's group chat.

Minji are you reading this?



we'll be at your house in a few minutes

A sigh escapes my mouth after reading the last text as I shake my head in disbelief, but a smile still spreads on my face.

"What was it?" Jungwon asks curiously, causing me to send him a smile.

"My friends found out that I'm back, I guess they're coming over soon," I respond with a shrug, earning a hum from him.

I turn back to my bag, deciding to get everything out and stored away before my friends arrive. While unzipping the front pouch, I pause for a moment as my eyes land on a rolled up piece of parchment paper, tied together with a ribbon. Curiously, I carefully pick up the letter with my eyebrows furrowed together, not remembering how or where it came from.

"Jungwon, is this one of Heeseung's letters?" I question as I begin to unravel the ribbon. Before the parchment can fully unravel though, Jungwon quickly lunges at me and snatches the letter from my hands, leaving me startled as I stare at him in bewilderment. "What-"

"Don't open that yet," he exclaims frantically while plopping onto the floor beside me. As I give him a weird look, a look of realization flashes on his face, and his eyes widen even more. "Right, you do not remember when I gave it to you," he sighs, making me frown.

"Can you explain a little more please? Why can't I open it?" I question with my eyebrows knit together, causing him to sigh quietly as he ties the ribbon around the paper once again.

"Just.." he trails off while extending the letter out to me, "open it once I've returned to Hania, alright? You'll understand why then." he excuses while staring at me intently, causing me to simply nod in response.

All of a sudden the sound of someone knocking on the door echoes out in the room, making me shoot my head up to the door abruptly. "Minji, your friends are outside!" I hear my dad bellow from outside the door, causing me to immediately push myself off of the ground to stand to my feet.

As I turn back to Jungwon expectantly, he gives me a funny look, causing me to snicker at him. "Come on," I remark while extending my hand out for him to take, "you should meet my friends." I exclaim while pulling on his hand to make him stand before me.

"You go ahead," he excuses with a small smile, causing my smile to falter. "You should reunite with your friends without me first, I will join you later." He insists, making me slowly nod in understanding.

"Alright then.. I'll be outside," I excuse with a smile before walking over to set the letter onto my bedside desk, so I won't forget where I placed it later. I turn to give Jungwon one last smile before exiting the room, entering the hallway with a sigh.

As I wander down the steps I pick up speed in my movements as the anticipation and excitement of seeing my friends for the first time in what feels like so long kicks in.

I pass through the living room and halls quickly before I reach the front door, letting out a deep breath before twisting the knob and pulling the door open, revealing the five people who I've probably missed most in the last month.

"Minji!" Yeonjun exclaims before pulling me into a hug, causing a laugh to escape me as I reciprocate the action. As I pull back, a mop of blonde hair invades my vision as Taehyun lunges at me, engulfing me in an even tighter hug.

"Where the hell have you been, Mini? We've been worried sick!" Taehyun exclaims while pulling back to hit at my shoulder, causing a sheepish smile to spread over my face.

"It's a.. lot to explain," I remark while scratching at the side of my head, watching as the five boys give me a funny look.

After spending about an hour of just explaining things and catching up with one another- which came with a lot of questions and confusion, the six of us sat around the living room for a while. Jungwon eventually came down from my room to meet everyone, which led to even more confusion, but I think they all get along just fine.

I sit beside Jungwon on one of the arm chairs, it's a tight fit but we make it work. "You know.." I trail off while glancing down at my lap, picking at the denim material of my pants with a grimace. "I don't think I really miss wearing jeans that much. I feel so.. constricted."

"Now that's something I never thought I'd hear you say," Beomgyu quips in while raising his eyebrows, causing me to snort.

"It's true! I might just start wearing skirts more, they're much more comfortable," I admit with a shrug before glancing at Jungwon, who's eyes seem to be glued to the television in front of us.

"So Minji, are you going to come to school tomorrow?" Soobin questions while taking a sip from his drink, eyeing me with curiosity.

"I guess so.. yeah." I respond while pursing my lips together in a straight line. I guess I don't have much of a choice, really.

"If that's the case, we should leave so we can all get a good sleep tonight." Taehyun quips in while standing up from his spot on the carpet, stretching his limbs as a yawn escapes from his mouth. "I'm getting pretty tired anyway."

"I agree," Kai sighs while standing up as well, before walking over to extend his hand out for me to take. I grab onto his hand with a smile as he tugs me forward onto my feet, mirroring my smile on his face. "It was nice to meet you, Jungwon." he remarks while turning to the boy behind me, causing him to rip his attention away from the television to look back at him with wide eyes.

"You too, it's nice to meet you all," Jungwon responds while shooting up on his feet to stand beside me, causing me to snicker slightly.

As we all walk to the front door, I wave goodbye as I watch all my friends descend down the stairs, before Taehyun turns around to face me with a small smile. "We'll be waiting for you on the path in the morning," he breathes with a smile.

I nod silently before pulling him into a hug, which he reciprocates just as eagerly before pulling away to squeeze my arms slightly. "Thank you," I respond as I watch him descend down the stairs, jogging a bit to reach up to the rest of the guys.

I turn around to face Jungwon with a smile resting on my face, noticing that he holds my purple taro drink in his hands, taking a sip calmly. "What are you doing?" I ask with a knowing smile on my face, raising my eyebrows in amusement.

"Earth is a very intriguing dimension," he responds with a shrug, causing me to let out a laugh as I walk up to him and hit at his shoulder, pushing him back into the warm house and leaving he cold evening air behind.

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