♧And the Winner Is...♧

Start from the beginning

Bolin: Introducing your new champs, the fantastic Fire Ferrets!

Both Korra and Mako smile at his upbeat and cheerful tone when spoke out. However, it soon disappeared when a different yet familiar voice came out on the radio.

Making Korra turn to the radio, in alarm, to listen to what the voice was speaking about. As Mako and Bolin also listen to what the mad-man will say now.

Amon[Radio]: Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon.

The voice made Pabu squeak and run from the radio.

Amon: I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match, because it will be the last.

This made both Mako and Bolin walk further closer to the radio to hear what Amon was talking about.

Amon: It's time for this city to stop worshiping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena— and cancel the finals, or else there will be severe consequences.

Mako and Bolin looked at Korra but turned back to the radio hearing the rest of what Amon was talking about to see what he was planning this time.

Once Amon finished "explaining" the radio made a static noise and the radio went silent right after.

Bolin: That guy's got some nerve.

Mako: You think the council will give in?

Korra: I'm not waiting to find out. We need to get to City Hall.


Front shot of the City Hall as the Fire Ferrets ride up to it on Naga. Cut to the main doors as Korra pushes them open.

In the city hall was all the council men/women from each element of the place. Tenzin, being one of the council men, stood up from his chair hearing the door burst open and seeing Korra with her friends enter.

Temzin: Korra, you shouldn't be here. This is a closed meeting.

Korra: As the Avatar and a pro-bending player, I have a right to be heard. You can't cancel the finals.

Tenzin: I know winning the championship means a lot to you. But as far as I'm concerned, we need to shut the arena down.

Not wanting to continue more as he was trying to make his slight point of trying to keep her safe from harm and to not repeat the consequences once again with Amon. Although Korra counteracted and try to reason herself from what the council men were deciding already.

However, one council, Tarrlok, spoke up and try to reason with the young Avatar and get her to back down from her stubbornness. Then out of perspective Lin, cheif of Police of Republic City came in hearing what the council men were making.

Lin: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the Avatar.

Shock by the answer given from Lin made both Tarrlok and Korra confuse when they made the same answer to her.

Lin: I expected this kind of cut-and-run response from Tenzin.

Brief shot of Tenzin looking on indifferently.

Lin: But the rest of you? Come on, show a little more backbone. It's time that the benders of this city displayed some strength and unity against these Equalists.

Tenzin: We must prevent the conflict between benders and nonbenders from escalating into all-out war! The council is not changing its position, Lin.

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