PART 8 - Loss & Comfort

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29th April 1942

Thomas, Henry, Winston, May and Lily waited at Tidmouth, Lily waiting for packages to be unloaded to Henry's train, Winston and May doubleheading a goods train headed north, and Thomas had arrived with a stone train for reconstruction efforts, Percy and Will bustling in the yards with ships horns and cranes demanding trucks of all types.

The radio buzzed into life.

"On the 28th April. Last night, enemy bombers attacked York, severe damage was taken by several historic buildings, military installations and rail infrastructure. During the raid, 79 were lost and the lives of three steam locomotives lost, an A4, a B16 and an unidentified 2-6-0 steam locomotive but believed to originate from Sodor. Railway workers and soldiers are in the process of rebuilding the rail network. More news will be broadcasted when it becomes available."

No words were spoken, just silence. Another tragic loss for the railway had occurred, Jessica, the third NWR 2-6-0 mogul, had been killed. Several guard's whistles were blown as Lily, Henry & the doubleheader goods left, Thomas having been freed, quickly ran off to the sheds, tears in his eyes. Though why May didn't quite know.

Over the next week, Thomas became cold to most, very few could have a proper conversation. He would ignore May and Merlin entirely, changes to the work roster didn't help as John would take over the hospital trains giving more work for the engines to do.

"I don't understand it." Thought Merlin out loud, "Thomas was never like that before so why now?"

"I think something about Jessica's death has something to do with it." Commented Percy, as his crew loaded his bunker.

"I'm not sure myself but it's got to be something that my brother needs help with." Replied Timothy.

Thomas then arrived into the shed, stopping next to May. He only looked away, ignoring her.

"Thomas, are you OK?" Asked May.

Thomas didn't answer, he just blasted steam at May before running away. May decided to follow the little engine and quickly sprinted out of the yard and pursued Thomas, finding him in tears at Knapford sheds. The Great Western Manor backed down next to him.

"Thomas, you are not alright. What's wrong?" Thomas turned to look at May.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?! I'll tell you what's wrong! Both of you mainland engines replaced my friends, friends that I've known since I first arrived! Do you have any idea how important they were for me, how important Jessica was to me!"

"How import–"

"After I lost someone important, she was the only one who even attempted to help me after... after she passed away."

"Who passed away?"

"Lady, the one who I loved. She disappeared after an accident, most likely for scrap. After that I became an asshole, purposely attempting to derail and damage myself, once I did I constantly refused repairs and insulted everyone." Thomas started bawling with tears. "Jess was the only one who even talked me civilly and managed to talk me out of it."

Thomas' words became unintelligible mumbling as tears started pouring down, removing much of the filth from under his eyes. May stood there shocked and saddened by Thomas' tale, she decided to comfort the little tank engine like a mother to a crying child.

Next day, the others noticed that Thomas seemed to be back to his normal self.

Railways of Sodor: World War TwoOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara