Tell me a Story

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I totally blame rewatching a few eposides of EVO Grian posted years ago for this update

"Can you tell me a story?" Micheal asked as the morning began, well morning if the sun had risen at least. Dream was was sitting under a tree watching the Gate grow blinked he turned to the child.

"A Story?" he asked curious.

"Mmmm... yeah, about the Watchers," Micheal begged, Dream winced at the word Watchers.

"Alright, I guess I can tell a story about the watchers," Dream sighed, Ghostbur and Friend who were also near leaned closer in interest.

"Story!" Micheal squealed happily, climbing onto the gods lap.

"Once upon a time, there was another race that found our worlds. They were amazed, they had no name and Travellers thought they were other Travellers," Dream said, from the corner of his eye he could see others in the giant camp slowly coming closer to listen.

"What happened to them?" Micheal asked curious, Dreams face fell a bit.

"They grew jealous, The Travellers were immortal within our worlds even if they had limited lives in some... they'd stop being hosts once they left. For you see, a great illness had fallen upon them and they were dying," Dream told them, a nearby campfire popped as it broke apart some logs in its fire making some jump.

"They also grew jealous of the children of our worlds, for we did not have illnesses they had.. we have curses but that's it," Dream continued.

"Curses are meanies," Micheal scowled from his lap, as he had grown up with the zombification curse.

"Yup Mean," Ghostbur agreed.

"Then finally they had an idea, if they could not live forever they'd make themselves immortal here even if they had to steal other lives to do so," Dream continued.

"Steal?" a villager child asked.

"Steal, they'd leave those they took as withered beings.. its how wither skeletons were born originally," Dream continued making a face.

"Ewww..." all the children said, Dream had to agree,

Nearby adults shifted uneasily, having heard to many tales of watchers.

"Worlds were destroyed, so fast no migrations could take place. So the Travellers and Gods went to war, it took years but they beat them into the end as they tried to escape. Since the beings had bound there pitiful selves to the worlds, it meant they could not truly die... so the Gods gathered up the remaining ones and destroyed there bodies and sealed there essence and minds," came the chilling words.

"Sealed?" Micheal asked.

"There is a reason the end is sealed in many worlds to Travellers, every time the Dragon Portal opens They can see out. And as you know, to escape the end the Travellers must go through the gate..." He said trailing off.

"Wait.. they jump through the area the Watchers is sealed, is that why some people go missing there?" Micheal asked wide eyed.

"Yes.. they like watching such as there name, but they like... collecting also, making there numbers bigger," Dream said making a face.

"More Watchers.. isn't that bad?" Ghostbur asked.

"A bit.. but amusingly there numbers stay low, either one of the converted find a way to release themselves and actually die. Or in a rare chance, when a world resets they can sometimes slip out become a Traveller again.. or as near as they can be again," Dream explained.

"Scary," MIcheal shivered.

"What... about the stories of them interfering in a world?" a worried villager asked.

"Ah that, usually it means the server isn't quite stable so the seal isn't as tight. They can't server jump, but neither can the Travellers leave.. these type of servers the Watchers usually take a favorite before they release the others," Dream explained.

"You said there victims have escaped?" Ghostbur asked hugging Friend from the scariness of the story.

"Only one ever escaped, there living on a Traveller run world now... now that guy pretty sure could join a migration since he's not a Traveller anymore nor a watcher..."

"Cool.. well not cool the watchers had them," Micheal said wide eyed.

"Either way you had your story, and look," Dream said pointing, Micheal turned and gasped for teh growing Gate was over ten feet tall with strange gold vines on it and a large bud on top glowing very white.

"Its a flower!" he said excitedly.

"At this stage it is," Dream chuckled "But it also means that Travellers will be able able to see it from miles away."

"Oh... that means trouble doesn't it," Ghostbur said with a frown.

"Baaa," Friend said bumping there face against Ghostbur.

"Most likely."

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