To leave them Behind

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As far as the elder villager could see was a dying land, his bones aches and he worried he wouldn't be able it.

He had lived a long life, he was older then anyone else from many villages.

Yet... he had hoped never to live to see this.

The only motions, the only sounds were the many feet of villagers and pillagers alike. Side by side, slowly mixing together as there journey swept across the land.

Since those lost to the curse of that damned king, he had never thought he'd see them without violence again. He lost his family to them, many returning half crazed and maddened by the curse to attack friend and foe.

The travellers called them raids.

"Argh..." he cried stumbling forward, his shepherds staff breaking upon deepslate on the surface of all things.

He gave a sigh of relief as arms caught him, looking at his Savior he gave a gasp of surprise.

"Joseph!" he whispered, looking past the grey skin brought on by the curse.

"Sorry I'm late dad," the pillager said, voice rough from the curse.

"No my child, your right on time." the elder said tears slipping down his face.

Looks like he had a reason to keep forging ahead.


"Where do the Travellers come from?" Micheal asked the cloaked and robed man that carried him, green eyes softened at the young child's question.

"They are spirit borne avatars from another place, many think the worlds are games. Some like your fathers see the world as a world, but since they do not truely belong here its not quite real to them," he whispered to Micheal.

"Do they love me, as Travellers while they did adopt me they can't understand me other then the few words of there language I learned?" Micheal asked worriedly.

"They love you very much little one, Tubbo and the broken one would do anything for you," he answered.

"Da... can't come with us can he, hes a Traveller. But papa, he could come right?" Micheal whispered.

"If he remembers, he thinks he's a traveller," he admitted.

"Not fair, your the admin. Can't you get them both able to come, they think your a traveller too," Micheal cried, the admin.. no Dream sighed gently rubbing the child's back.

"If I could I would Micheal, even Gods cannot force the gates to accept outsiders," he whispered, after all if he could of he would of dragged his once friends with him.

Micheal whimpered as a figure appeared ahead of them, a slim form in flowing white robed with shimmering gold designs somehow moving the fabric.

"Chronos, your... fully awake," Dream said in surprise. The figure pulled down there hood to the familiar face of Karl, an hourglass swinging into view around there neck on a chain.

"The time keeper!" Micheal squeaked.

"That's right." Dream said, patting there head gently.

"Sorry I'm late, even for me... I... didn't want to wake," Karl whispered grief on his face.

"Its okay Chronos... or would you rather Karl still?" Dream asked, adjusting Micheal in his arms.

"No... call me Chronos, If I stayed Karl I'd doom them. Anyway, sooner or later they'd realize I'm not a Traveller," Chronos whispered, Dream walked over and hugged the taller man.

"Thank you," the time god whispered.

"No thank you, were all leaving people behind."

Chronos continued to cry.

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