chapter 7

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Today was the day of the final and I was sat in the players family box, watching the Italians play dirty. The game went to penalties but eventually we lost. Me and Myles went down to the pitch.

"It's fine" mason said

"Baby, it's clearly not. Your allowed to be sad and upset" I said which made him hug me and start crying.

I've only seen mason cry twice, when I told him I was pregnant for the first time and when his grandma died.

"Go get your medal and let's get out of here" I said

He picked up Myles and went to go get his medal, I put my hand on my small bump and sighed. He took Myles into the changing rooms with him and I went to wait in the car.

He knocked on the window and I let him in.

"Where's Myles" I asked

"My mum's taken him, bringing him back to ours tomorrow she said" he said

"Okay" I said

We drove back to the house and went straight upstairs.

"I want to go on holiday"he said

"We have to wait for my scan, but that's next week" I said

"Let's book it now" he said

"Where"I said

"Either Dubai or bora Bora. Ask dec and Lauren on the group chat" mason said

Deccers stinks

Bora Bora or Dubai for holiday me and mase are booking it now

Bora Bora x


Should we get a hut on the water or a hotel

Get two huts, but ask if they can be next to each other x

Okay, were going next Sunday for three weeks x

Gonna be sick


I booked our flights and huts and then I started playing with masons hair as he watch Netflix on his phone.

"Do you want to get a takeaway" I said

"Yeah"he said

I called masons favourite Chinese place and got his food and then ordered mine and within half an hour it was hear and we ate it in bed and watched a bit of love island untill he fell asleep.


So basically I changed the title if the book because I have another book that's called the exact same thing and the story goes better with that title so I changed it to a more fitting one ig.

My Love~ Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now