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"Tatsumi is really determined to shape this kid up," Miyatake said as she watched the two in the court with the senior about to do her service game. The few members of the tennis club began to gather up, wanting to watch their upperclassmen play a game while the regulars were away.

Though some found it funny that they said that all regulars would be away when really, it was only the seniors and that the second-year regulars were all present and was just not wearing their jersey so they could 'partly' mess with the freshmen who signed up. "Well... who knows, maybe she'll unlock some hidden talent. We're still looking for a replacement for Harumi-senpai who transferred schools after all."

Miyatake sighed. "Oh yeah. Completely forgot about that. Though won't we get in trouble for doing something like this?"

"The captain won't mind." Said Emiri. "Who knows. Maybe she's watching this moment, somewhere."

"You're making it sound like the captain knows all of our sins." Miyakate narrowed her eyes towards her fellow second year. As the captain was indeed watching from the window where her courts were visible from her vision with the Vice-Captain.

"You're seriously allowing this?" Chiyako asked as she had her eyes on the game that was about to start.

"Why not? I'm not Yamato after all he's too strict on his boys. Let them... experiment before meeting their seniors tomorrow." Narrowing her eyes, the Vice-Captain can smell plot all over the aura of the captain beside her.

"You really like experimenting," Chiyako sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if other schools think we're too reckless."

"Best be unpredictable to the opponent rather than trying to trick them in the court. I just want to see if this girly has what it takes to be... unpredictable and smart at the same time."

"And against your successor? You're always too strict on the future captain and yet you're already looking for someone who will replace Tatsumi? Isn't that her job next year and not yours?" Chiyako wondered as Tatsumi began to serve the ball.

"Tatsumi saw it." Noryio assured with a smile. "She knows what I saw and I saw the heavens in that girl." With a sparkle in her eyes, Chiyako couldn't help but smile to see her captain excited like a child who was about to open her Christmas present so early in the morning.

"Game, Tatsumi! 0-2!" Emiri called out as Miyatake was the one changing the score on the board. Tatsumi was the successor of course she would win, though the senior wasn't at all pleased as she placed her racket against her shoulder and looked at the junior. "Oi, Echizen-chan... don't insult me and take me seriously."

"What's Tatsumi blabbing about this time?" Miyatake asked.

"Eh... seems like the freshman was holding back." Emiri said as she continued to watch.

"She doesn't have tennis experience, right? How is she holding back?"

Emiri shrugged. "Who knows."

Nanami blinked for a few times as Tatsumi said to take her seriously, bowing forward slightly, Nanami went back to the baseline to prepare herself for Tatsumi's service game. Her eyes were rather big as she began to observe the senior that was on the other side of the court. Tatsumi did notice, she got two games in less than 10 minutes which was odd.

Nanari doesn't lose. She always finds a way to win. You'd be surprise on how accurate she can be sometimes. She was with the captain when they asked about Nanami to Daisuke. To be praised by her brother like that, there was no way she would win two games so easily. Tatsumi just found it odd.

Always finds a way to win, huh... Tatsumi thought as she stole a glance towards the other side of the court, before sending the ball towards the other side. Nanami was able to return the ball and it was the whole routine. They keep on sending the ball back and forth though there wasn't anything odd until – Noryio's lips curved a smile as she watched from the classroom.

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