The Start, The Fight, & The End.

Start from the beginning

Taking steps back the two let out silent breaths of exasperation at how neither was hit once. Never letting their guard down they locked eyes keeping them carefully trained on the others movements.

Beginning to circle each other again the tips of their blades barely touched as they sized the other up for an opening.

They circled making slight movements to bait out the other to deflect fake attacks with minimal success the two seemingly unresponsive to such attempts.

Finally they stilled their circling decided by the Rusted Knight who had abruptly stopped to hopefully bait at deflection.

This however didn't work leading to them staring the other down feeling sweat drops prickle at their brows.

Standing completely still the two stood like statues both seemingly gone to stone with bow quickly they had stopped, their breathing so still it wasn't observable to an outsider viewer.

But the other saw it, they saw the others movement, whether it be the slight shake to their blades, the sweat trickling down Malenia's brow, the slight wavering movement of the crimson vines, they saw it all down to the ever so slight movements of their opponents chest rising.

Suddenly catching both of them off was the sudden trumpet heard in the distance likely from one of the Envoys outside.

Malenia however had been here for ages and knew that always one would play at exactly that time. It wasn't even that big of a opening, a second at most but that was enough, more than enough.

Making a quick jab with her golden blade Malenia's blade was quickly buried into the rusted knights side who hadn't had enough time to deflect, striking the first blow.

Caught off guard but quick on his feet he wasn't wasting his unfortunate blow, quickly his vines wrapped up her blade locking it in place leaving her defenseless.

Pulling her blade back quickly she was clearly taken aback out the strength of the vines wrapped along her blade inching further down the blade.

Quickly the Knight raised his own blade aiming for her head. Flicking her head up to see the incoming blade she grabbed hold with her other hand letting pink droplets fall off her palm onto the ground.

Using his other hand the knight pressed his hand along the spine of the blade struggling to push it down while wincing at the pain of the blade in his side.

Trying to keep pushing up with her single arm awkwardly with how close they were Malenia letting the adrenaline numb the pain as she began to desperately shake her prosthetic arm twist the blade in the knights side causing him to struggle as he gritted his teeth pushing his own blade into her hand as it shakily lowered further to her helm.

Long crimson vines grew off his legs and buried deep in the ground holding him still as Malenia used her full strength on trying to pull her blade free. A soft creak of metal began to be heard as the blade strained to stay attached to her prosthetic.

Sensing no other option Malenia twisted her golden arm suddenly sending a spike of pain to the other and snapped the blade from her arm using her abnormal demigod strength.

Abruptly grabbing Moonveil and elbowing the Knight's helm before kicking him squarely in the chest sending him tumbling back as she took a few feet back to balance herself.

The vines let go of the blade in his side submerging back under the armor allowing the Knight to pull it from his side only kept conscious from the adrenaline in him.

Shakily standing back up as blood poured from his now revealed wound he had his vines wrapped around his abdomen grinding his teeth as the barbs dug into him but managing to roughly bandage his wound enough to slow the bleeding to a crawl.

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