The Start, The Fight, & The End.

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Walking into a massive cavern with light flowing from the top along great tree roots before reaching the bottom where a pool of water rested letting the sunlight from above glimmer in its reflection.

Soft metal footsteps descended from the entrance down a stone path to the pool. The soft clanks echoing off the cavern's walls.

Resting in a wood chair sat a pale woman with long red hair with simple white cloth clothing, the more eye-catching detail was her missing arm and golden mechanical legs.

Resting not far away sat the decorated engraved gold limb she missed with an equally impressive helm no doubt being one of the finest pieces of craftsmanship from the lands between.

Reaching the water's edge where across sat Malenia, seemingly unresponsive, stood a steel plated knight. With dirtied and weathered metal wrapped in crimson barbed vines with a blood stained thick white cape draped over his shoulder he stood still equally as sill to the other.

Malenia was the first to engage "I dreamt for so long, my flesh was dull gold and my blood was rotten." She spoke distantly, standing now, grabbing her missing appendage and reattaching it with a quiet metal click.

"Corpse after Corpse was left in my wake, as I awaited his return." She continued now reaching for her helm.

Lifting the helm soberly she rested it on her head before continuing. "Heed my words, I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella."

Suddenly pulling a magnificently ornate golden blade, seemingly crafted by the gods themselves for its beauty, from her metallic arm and readying herself for battle.

"And I have never known defeat."

The Knight in front of her merely tilted his head at her as a silent show of respect before looking down at his armored hands, covered in dirt and the start of rust beginning to form. Clenching them tighly shut in the understanding of their skill gap and just how great a disadvantage he held he looked back up to meet her helms gaze.

Reaching to his side he pulled out his own weapon, a long curved blade named "Moonveil", its ebony beauty out of place besides his bent and dirtied body.

Reaching at the clip for the Stained white Cape he let it fall off his frame onto the stone floor revealing his metallic frame with vines curling underneath the plating.

The crimson vines on his body began to expand from under his wristplates wrapping around his dominant hand firmly gripping his blade.

Letting off a deep sigh he hardened his stare towards the golden helmet across the small pool of water seeing his rusted helm reflecting back.

The two in synchronization began to walk forward gently sweeping through the water with they're blades at their sides as they began to circle one another.

Sweeping forward with stunning speed, trying to quickly decapitate the Knight, Malenia swerved her blade towards his head at speeds that should be impossible to be blocked.

Holding his sword with one hand strikingly similar to Malenia he quickly deflected the blade before jumping back to gain more room.

This was short lived as Malenia began throwing a barrage of attacks kicking up water droplets as all of her attacks were reflected before she relented this time to gain space.

Both uninjured.

Immediately following in her pace the knight began throwing attacks all aimed towards her metal arm hoping to disarm her or at least force her to switch hands and lose her "dominant hand".

These were all blocked before he retreated, both uninjured.

Closing the space the two charged, letting out a flurry of attacks. Malenia was out speeding her opponent who had made up for her near godlike swordsmanship with vines from under his armor quickly flying deflecting any attacks that he was unable to block.

Malenia's Final DuelWhere stories live. Discover now