Media Mayhem

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So because Twitter's apparently falling apart, lots of people from there, including a few CCs, are coming to Tumblr.

Which isn't so bad, many people are welcome, but my knowledge of Twitter is that... Well Twitter is toxic as Hell. Which is why I'm usually so hesitant on wanting to download it.

And having toxic people in a place where a lot of people consider it a safe haven doesn't seem so fun. So... If any Twitter users wanna come to Tumblr, you're welcome you! Just... Try to follow the rules.

Just know, us Tumblr folks are a lot different from you lot, so those of you who wanna act high and mighty better get your acts together real quick.

Tumblr is a respectful community. We'll welcome you with open arms or run you off with fire arms. So you choose your actions amd words on here carefully.

If you are confused on how Tumblr works, my suggestion is talk to a friend or two who have this app and ask for help. But I guess here's some basics that I've picked up from my two or three years of being on here

Likes are okay and all, but reblogs are more appreciated. Especially to writers and artists such as myself.

Expect a lot of weird memes and references you may not understand. Trust me. Half of the stuff I see on here I still don't understand.

Be mindful of the tags. For example, don't just tag #minecraft to your posts about a cc or an SMP. Those are separate tags. Its just going to get cluttered and lost in sea of tags. Add some variety.

Be respectful and be kind. We are a community of friendly people here. As far as I'm aware, I've never seen any bad people here on my side. I promise you, if you act up here, we will make sure this site is Hell for you and I don't mean that in a joking way. People consider this place a safe haven so don't ruin that.

This one is mainly targeted to any CCs that may see this, you're gonna be seeing a lot of writings, fan art, and the occasional stimboard here and there, so be mindful of what you see.

And I guess that's about it. Just follow these basics and you'll be just fine! Remember. Take your time in figuring out how this place works, don't overwhelm yourself, go at your own pace. This isn't called a Hellsite for nothing after all!

Good luck and have fun!!

And fair warning, us Tumblr people, we are not normal. We're cringe. We make memes from 2010s. We are feral. We go for the kneecaps. We'll bite your ankles. We are heathens.

Twitter is the apocalypse, we're Armageddon. We're chaotic fucks who can and will run you off if you ruin what we have.

Basically what I'm trying to say is

Twitter people. Welcome to Hell :D

You're in our domain now bitches.

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