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It's me, hi. God, this book took so long to finish. I'm not really passionate about writing, one of the many reasons why it took this long. But I'm glad that I finally finished my FIRST!! I have a very creative brain and woke up to this idea, immediately telling my best friend about it. She told me to share it here, I felt anxious about it. But thank her for this I guess hahaha.

I get this feeling whenever I read a book, poem or whatever kind of literature. And it makes me feel something special, Idk if I'm making sense. But if you know, I hope you felt it too while reading this book.

Thank you so much for reading this ☹️☹️☹️ Sending hugs 💞 

Oh and I'm excited to announce that I have a new book entitled 'eclipsed sun' I published the first chapter around the time when a lunar eclipse happened lol.

Sincerely yours, inmahaeven.

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