Avengers Infinity war (Part 5)

Start from the beginning

Xiao: Uh, not bad, for the end of the world.

[Cut to inside Ganyu's lab where Vision lays on a table, while Albedo and Ganyu stand over him, and the others watch. Ganyu scans the stone, and studies the hologram]

Ganyu: I'm here? Then who am I in this world?

Kenny: You are Zhongli's sister and a very smart engineer who makes all his gadgets for him

Ganyu: Then I will respect the role of being Lord Morax's sister

Ganyu: Whoa. The structure is polymorphic.

Albedo: Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially.

Ganyu: Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?

Dottore: I'm sorry I don't understand what they just said

Kenny: Me either,I hate words that are too troublesome to say

Albedo: (Staring for a moment) Because, we didn't think of it.

Ganyu: (smiling) I'm sure you did your best.

Lisa: Can you do it?

Ganyu: Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures. (To Zhongli) It will take time, brother.

Diluc: How long?

Ganyu: As long as you can give me.

Shenhe: [Looking at a device that just alerted her]Something's entered the atmosphere.

[Cut to outside where Thoma and Xiao stand, looking up a the sky]

Thoma: (Over the comm) Hey, Cap, we got a situation here.

[The defense shield around Wakanda destroys one of the vessels entering the atmosphere]

Keqing: What was that?!

Ganyu: something fell on top of them

Dottore: God, I love this place.

Dottore: Me too, Kenny, if you can just give me one tech from their world I think we can work something out.

Kenny: No can do

Thoma: Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome.

Vision: (Appearing beside the window with the others) It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now.

Sara: no Vision get your ass back on the table.

Sara: (Turning toward Vision) Vision, get your *rear* back on the table.

Zhongli: We will hold them off.

Diluc: (To Lisa) Lisa, as soon as the stone's out of his head...you blow it to hell.

Lisa: I will.

Zhongli: Evacuate the city. Engage all defense procedures. (He points to Steve) And get this man a shield.

[Cut to Nidavellir where Rocket is in the pod, and Itto jumps from the roof onto the rings with a rope in his hand attached to the pod]

Kuki: Great what is he planning now

Kenny: Remember the giant rings surrounding the star,Yeah he is going to push the rings to make it start

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