Chapter 6: Trouble in the North Pole

Start from the beginning

Alex ran at Santa.
"This is a lot of fun!" Toy Santa yelled before knocking Alex over. He then knocked Floyd, Oscar and Kendall over.
Curtis, Bernard and I winced.
"Someone's got to stop him," I said as I developed an orb in my hand.
"Stella, no," Bernard scolded.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Santa said sarcastically to the elf he just knocked over. Manny tried to dive at him but missed and Toy Santa stepped on him and wiggled his feet. Now only Joey was left. Toy Santa did a dramatic hand gesture to challenge Joey.
"Joey, run!" I yelled. Joey ran for it and Toy Santa ran right after him.
"Come here! Stop! Slow down when I'm talking to you!" Toy Santa yelled as he chased Joey up the stairs. "Come here, you! Come on."
Toy Santa yelled and dove to try and catch him but he missed.
"That's it," I hissed. I then ran towards the flight of stairs to chase Toy Santa. Bernard and Curtis tried to go after me but I outran them. I aimed my orb and fired it at him. It stunned him and he wriggled on the floor. The elves around us gasped in shock, but I didn't care.
"Alright, Santa. You've had enough fun for today," I said as I grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him up to his feet. "Curtis!" I yelled.
"Yes, ma'am?" Curtis yelled from the ground.
"Take Santa to his office for a time out," I told him.
"A time out? I'm Santa Claus! I don't get time outs," Toy Santa said as he struggled against my hold against him.
"We do not hurt the elves and you broke that rule. You need to learn to play nicely," I told him before I took him down the flight of stairs and threw him at Curtis. I brushed my dress off and stomped over towards the workshop. I made sure to put on my normal happy face before entering the workshop. Annie walked up to me.
"Would you like a cookie, Stella?" she asked.
"Of course, sweetie," I said as I knelt to her level.
"Where's Santa?" she asked.
"Santa should be in his office. He might be out later," I told her. "What's on the menu today?" I asked her. She held up a sugar cookie in the shape of a candy cane covered in red and white frosting. "Ooh, my favorite," I said as I took the cookie from her. "Thanks, baby-doll," I said sweetly to her. She smiled and walked away. Just then, Abby came up to me.
"Stella, you may want to see this," she told me. I nodded and she led me to the naughty-nice section. She showed me a scene on the screen of Charlie running away from two school monitors.
"Oh no. Again?" I sighed.
"It seems so. I'm sorry, Stella," Abby said, glumly.
"No, that's okay, sweetheart. It's not your fault. I'll be right back. I need to make a side trip. Tell Bernard I'll be back in a couple hours," I said to her. She nodded and I returned to my room and changed into business attire to make it seem like I worked at my Dad's old job. I decided not to use Dasher and just used my teleportation abilities. I teleported a few yards outside of Charlie's school and soon met up with Dad who was getting out of my car I let him borrow. He was a lot skinnier and he almost looked like he did before he put on the coat eight years ago.
"Stella? What are you doing here?" Dad asked.
"I came as soon as I saw," I replied.
"Why are you dressed like that?" he asked.
"Well, my alias is that I work at the company you used to work at," I replied.
"Oh, right. Well, if Principal Newman asks, I called you after she called me," Dad said. I nodded and the two of us met Principal Newman right outside the main entrance.
"Mr. Calvin–Stella, I wasn't expecting to see you here," Principal Newman said as the two of us greeted her.
"Yes, well as soon as Dad got your call he called me and I'm on lunch break so, I have time to be here," I replied.
"Okay, follow me," Principal Newman said. Dad I followed her inside then led us to her office to retrieve Charlie.
"Alright, Charlie. Follow me," Principal Newman said to Charlie who was glumly sitting in one of the chairs in front of her office. Charlie huffed and got up from the chair. He grabbed his backpack and walked out of her office. Principal Newman then led us up to the second floor.
"Are Laura and Neil on their way?" Principal Newman asked as we walked up the staircase.
"No, it's just Stella and me, apparently," Dad replied.
"Oh. You-you look...You've really lost weight. Are you feeling alright?" Principal Newman asked as she looked my Dad up and down.
"I was until I got this phone call," Dad said as we entered the hallway. Principal Newman walked ahead of us leading us to a group of lockers. She closed one of the open ones, which revealed a very attractive portrait of principal Newman pointing to a speech bubble, which said: Trim a Tree, Go to Jail.
"Wow," I said, unamused.
"Charlie, you promised you weren't gonna do this again. Now you've broken a promise," Dad scolded as he pointed back to the mural. "What's the matter with you? I'm gonna have to punish ya. I'll ground him for...two months," Dad said.
"I thought you were on my side!" Charlie exclaimed.
"Charlie, you need to find a better way to express your creativity. Graffiti of your principal isn't the answer. Dad's punishment only seems fair enough," I said to him.
"I'll do you one better. Charlie, you're suspended," Principal Newman said with crossed arms.
"But, Dad!" Charlie whined.
"Hold on a second. I'm as upset about this as you, but isn't there another way to punish him that doesn't mean takin' him out of school?" Dad asked.
"What did you have in mind?" Principal Newman asked.
"Community service could work," I chimed in. "That way he serves not only a way of detention but also gets some hours done for graduation requirements."
"Huh. That's not a bad idea," Principal Newman said in agreement before looking back at my brother. "OK, Charlie. I want you to start by cleaning up this wall. I want everything off of there by tonight. And then clean off every mark off every locker in this hallway."
"Every one?" Charlie asked in disbelief.
"Do as she says, Charlie," Dad scolded as he pointed at him.
"But I have homework, tests to study for," Charlie complained.
"Not my problem," said Principal Newman. "I have a detention group on Saturday. So we will all get together at the rec center. See you two there," Principal Newman said. I did a double take.
"You say both me and him?" Dad said as he gestured to Charlie and himself. "No, l... I'm very busy. I do a lot of other community service.
"That's good. You just got yourself elected parent rep," Principal Newman said to my father, completely unfazed by his words. "And, Charlie...We'll talk about the suspension," Principal Newman said to Charlie before she walked away.
"Okay, well that was...something," I said. I looked over at my watch. "Looks like my lunch break is over. I'll see you two later," I said. I then tried to use my teleportation powers. I was able to cover myself in a bit of sparkle before it died down.
"Uh-oh," I said, uneasily.
"Uh-oh?" Dad questioned.
"Hold on, hold on. I got this," I said. I tried again and luckily it worked and I teleported back to the Pole. I sighed in relief.
"Okay, guess I can't use my teleportation powers anymore..." I said. I looked at my surroundings and was back in the workshop. I was near the Naughty-And-Nice Center. What threw me off was that Toy Santa was there with the list.
"What in the silver bells is going on here?" I asked as I crossed my arms.
"--I could ask the same thing," came Bernard's voice from behind me. "Curtis, what is he doing in the naughty-and-nice center?" Bernard asked Curtis before he and Curtis walked up to the center. "What's going on here?" Bernard asked Toy Santa. I walked up next to him.
"Well, I'm checking the naughty-nice list. Actually, I'm checking it twice," Toy Santa said, confidently.
"I already told you," Bernard raised his voice before looking at Curtis and I. "It's been checked, don't worry about it."
"Well, I do worry about it. There's a lot of mistakes on this list. I'll give you a big fat, for instance! In Denmark, there's a guy named Sven Halstrom right here," Toy Santa gestured to Denmark on the globe. "He's a Dane. He was wiping his nose on his sister's shirt. Yuck! That's not very nice! And yet he's on the nice list," Toy Santa claimed
"We try to cut most children a little bit of slack this time of year," said Curtis.
"I don't understand that! It looks like kids are misbehaving everywhere," Toy Santa defended. "They're running with scissors. They're always sticky. I'm not gonna stop this car! No, we're not there yet! Brush your teeth! Pick up those clothes!" Toy Santa ranted as he got up in all of our faces." It goes on and on."
"But they're just kids! Everybody misbehaves some time," Bernard defended.
"But according to The Santa Handbook, naughty kids get lumps of coal in their stockings. Right? And if they don't have stockings, we will make them stockings. In my little personal opinion, they should all get coal in their stockings. Don't you?" Toy Santa asked before he got into one of our naughty-nice elf's faces.
"Good thing it's just your little personal opinion then," I said as I stepped up to him. Toy Santa stared at me. "That handbook hasn't been updated in 1600 years. And we've made quite a few changes around here that work perfectly fine and help everything run smoothly. So that handbook you're holding right there in your hand is outdated. You don't want to read anything outdated, do you?" I said as I put a hand on the Toy Santa's shoulders. Toy Santa stared at me for a second before yelling.
"Get me the naughty-nice list. Get me every list! Get me everything," Toy Santa said as he handed the naughty-nice elf the handbook and dismissed her.
"Santa," I said with a cringe. "You just ignored everything I said and I am more superior than you. Without me, there's no Christmas at all. You tend to forget that you're just a substitute, not the real deal," I said in a low growl.
"For now," Toy Santa said before looking down at my necklace. He smirked then walked away. I balled my hands into a fist and turned around towards Bernard and Curtis.
"You two keep an eye on him and keep him away from me. I don't trust him so I trust you two to make sure he doesn't ruin Christmas," I said, sternly before I walked away.

My Christmas Star ( A Santa Clause Story Ft Bernard x OC)Where stories live. Discover now