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Pairing: Layla El-Fouly x Marc Spector (hints of the other moon boys)

Desc: Marc has been busy working, and he nearly forgot how at home he feels with Layla.

Warning Tags: Fluff, and hinting at smut.

Word Count: 925

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Layla sat at the wooden writing desk, she had her favorite forest green scarab mug next to her notepad as she crossed out every single idea that she had already placed within her story. Layla occasionally looked at the grandfather clock that Steven had bought, it read 11:30 pm. Layla sighed, she knew the boys would be back late once again for dinner. Thankfully Layla had been considerate enough to save some food for the boys in the fridge. She could have eaten the last slice of Knafeh but she knew that Jake always had a sweet tooth after a long day of fighting crime. Layla kept on typing away on her laptop until she finally heard the clinging of keys. Layla smiled because she knew that her boys had come back home, safely to her. But, she was a little annoyed that they were late when they had promised to arrive before 9'o clock. Marc opened the door to their apartment, and he was completely damped by the storm outside. Marc closed the door with his heel and placed his jacket on the creeky coat hanger stand. "Baby, are you home!" Marc called out worrying. "Yep!" Layla responded back and kept her eyes glued to the 58th page of the word document. Marc followed Layla's voice and found her in the small office. He saw Layla's back was turned towards him, and he couldn't help but sigh with relief. Marc walked toward Layla and pushed back her seat. Marc planted a kiss on her forehead, "I missed you baby." He softly whispered, Layla snorted "Yeah dinner missed you too. And so did the time." Marc's eyes widen and looked down at his phone. Shit, he had missed the time. "One of you guys wanna take this one?" Marc mentally asked Steven and Jake, and both quickly said "NO". Marc placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose, how was he going to fix this? Marc cleared his throat and was about to apologize till Layla said "Dinner's in the fridge baby. And I left a slice of Jake's favorite". Marc half smiled, and leaned down to her ear "You know we appreciate you, right baby?" Layla laughed "Yes, I know. Now go on and eat". But Marc knew better than to leave the situation like this, he wanted to make it up to Layla. "What are you writing about today?" Marc quietly asked as he sat on our armchair. Her hands were faster than the lighting striking the earth. She needed to pour out every word. "I am trying to finish Anni's story before 6 pm". Layla stated, concentrating on her novel. Marc nodded, and intensely watched Layla spill out the words. "Hermano, she looks tense doesn't she?" Jake said mischievously. "I agree on Jake with this one Marc, our dove indeed does look rather tense." Steven chimed in. Marc smirked, and slowly placed his arms on Layla's shoulders. Layla continued to ignore Marc until he began to slowly rub Layla's tense back. Layla bit her bottom lip, attempting not to allow her to enjoy Marc's touch. "You should take a break, you have been at it all day". Marc conveniently said as he continued to remove the knots from her shoulders. "I have to finish Marc, I have been putting this story off for years". She said through the haze of relaxation. Marc clicked his tongue and moved onto massaging her shoulder blades, slowly traveling down to the center of her back. Layla could feel her body slowly melt under his touch. As Layla began to sit back, Marc took this opportunity to place gentle kisses along her neck. Layla slightly moaned but snapped herself out of it "no, I am not falling it for this time, Marc Spector ". Marc laughed "Oh, we're using legal names now? Fine." Marc continued to trail kisses down her neck, and found her weak spot. Marc teases that sensitive area with his tongue as Layla fought not to close her eyes but Marc was smart enough to gently bites her neck. Another moan escapes her mouth as Layla closed her eyes with pleasure speeding throughout her body. Marc captured Layla's moan in his mouth and began to kiss her. Layla quickly tangled her fingers into Marc's curls, losing her battle of feeling aroused by him. Marc pulled away and had a smug look on his face. "Okay I forgive you," Layla said defeated, Marc smiled and kissed her once more. "Prove it to me baby" Marc challenged her. Layla rolled her eyes and placed the laptop on sleep mode. Marc smirked at her as she turned to look at him "Atta girl". She huffed "you better be worth it". "Ma'am, I always am". Marc asserted. Marc quickly lifted Layla up from the desk chair and carried her to their bed.
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