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The last time I ever laughed was that day, the day the world ended. A day that started with us all going about our normal daily routines and ended with us running for our lives, filled with fear and terror. We knew the end was going to come, but we just didn't know when.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I heard their screams. Screams of terror, screams of pain, and screams of loss. I remember what I did that day as if it were just yesterday. I took a deep breath and ran towards the danger, and I did what had to be done; I fought and killed for survival.

My nightmares are filled with these memories. Every time I close my eyes, I can still hear the screams. I am haunted by the memories of violence and death, of people who were not ready, but had no choice but to face it.

To this day, I can still remember the sound of my last laugh, this hollow, desperate laugh on a day when the world ended. It seems that laughter is now drowned out by a sense of dread and fear, and I know that the day of reckoning is coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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