So I made a list so I never forget, all the things I hate about you

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^Rosemarie Zeynep Nuray Hathaway-Mazur^

         Ugh I can't wait for this stupid interview to be over with. Curse the idiot producers who decided they'd cram the interview and performance together and switch them around. If that dickhead Jesse stares at my breasts again I will kick him in the balls, granted I know my boobs are spectacular but he's being such a little creep. God he's even staring at Lissa. Why anyone on earth would willingly let this clown be a celebrity interviewer I have not a fucking clue. I'd much rather talk to Jimmy Fallon instead of this giant sleaze ball. At least Jimmy wouldn't stare at my boobs or ass constantly.

          If that dickhead leers at me one. More. Fucking. Time. I swear I will break his jaw. I breath deeply and clench my jaw so I don't sneer at him. "Rose." Lissa breathes breaking me out of my fantasies of breaking Jesse's jaw and then his pelvic bone. I look over at Liss and she moves her eyes in Jesse's direction.

         "Sorry I got lost in thought. What were you saying?" I blink pretending to be embarrassed. Jesse, and the crew, eat that shit up and he sends me a sleazy smirk.

          "It's alright Rosemarie I was saying this is the last question for today. The fans sent in this question. They want to know are you seeing anyone currently?" He tries to look charming but it comes off the complete opposite.

          I feel my eye twitch slightly at him calling me Rosemarie. And the sheer audacity to ask about my dating life, I've made it quite clear when I first started my acting career that I want my private life to stay just that. Private. Unless I want to say something. "No I do not have a significant other at this point in time. I'm waiting to meet my soulmate. But even if I did I would like to keep that to myself, I'm very private with my personal life." I force through clenched teeth. "And it's Rose." I add breathing deeply.

          "Well that's all the time we have for today! Thank you for your time!" Jesse claps. "We'll take a ten minute break before The Shadow Kissed come back for a brief performance." The cameras cut and I grab Lissa's wrist and rush us back to the dressing room and I throw myself down on the couch with a very audible huff.

         "Oh my god Liss! He's making me want to break his jaw. And claw his eyes out. Why did we have to get one of the sleaziest men ever to be our interviewer. Next time we have to do one of these I refuse to be in the same room as him again. I want a woman interviewer." I huff pulling on my locs. "You're lucky I love you Liss. I want to hurry up and go cuddle Yara at home. " I pout.

        "I'm sorry Ro. I didn't know he'd be like this." Liss apologizes throwing my legs over her lap and reclining on the couch. "And I love you too Ro." She breathes before closing her eyes. After our break one of the crew comes to get us and we walk back into the stage area.

           I grab my 'Red'  Taylor Swift replica electronic guitar and adjust the strap before heading on stage with our drummer and Lissa joins me by the mics and sits behind the keyboard. The camera crew countdown before the camera starts rolling again. "Hello we are The Shadow Kissed and this is our new single '10 Things I Hate About You'. We hope you enjoy!" I grin at the camera before winking. A few seconds later I begin playing the opening chords to the song and feel myself getting lost in the music. I begin singing and dancing along to the song and it feels amazing. Normally Lissa takes the lead for vocals but I wouldn't mind doing it more often.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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