"We haven't gone on a roadtrip in forever," Cassie smiled softly at her and Lorelai smiled back. "Are we going tonight?"

"Tomorrow, like 5ish," Lorelai told her.

"Before sunrise, got it," Cassie laughed. "Is Rory on board?"

Lorelai nodded, "she's already packing."

Cassie pulled her suitcase out from under her bed, randomly throwing clothes into it. "Mom," Lorelai turned around before walking out of Cassie's room. "Are you okay?"

"I will be," Lorelai responded. "See you in the morning."

And just like they planned the Gilmores were up and out of bed at 5 in the morning and in the car by 5:15. Cassie was squished in the back between all their luggage, Rory and Lorelai up front. They looked out the window at Stars Hollow, it was completely empty, too early for anyone sane to be awake.

"Wow," Rory gasped as she looked out the window. "It looks deserted."

"We're the only ones left," Lorelai nodded.

"So are we almost there?" Cassie asked, moving her head so she was in between her mother and sister.

"We're almost there and nowhere near it. All that matters is we're going," Lorelai smiled.

"We're practically there already," Rory laughed softly.

"Look out world."

The car came to a stop in front of the new stop light. The three gilmores stuck their heads out the window looking up at it with confusion in their eyes. They stared up at the light, waiting for it to turn green.


"Ugh! I can't believe we forgot to bring tunes," Lorelai shook her head in annoyance.

"I told you to grab a cd before we left," Cassie reminded her.

"Do you realize that none of us has the vaguest idea where we are?" Rory said, staring down at her map that she's been frantically examining for the last half hour.

"What is a road trip without tunes..."

"It's not a road trip," Cassie answered as she began looking around her. "Where are the snacks?"

"The sun is directly behind us," Rory spoke as she looked around at their surroundings.

"We've never been in this car for any extended period without playing AC/DC," lorelai continued.

"No seriously, where are the snacks?" Cassie asked as she opened some of the bags next to her.

Rory continued to look around nervously, "I have no idea which way it's going."

"I need my Highway to Hell," Lorelai groaned.

"I need my pretzel sticks," Cassie added.

"It's right out the winsheild there."

"There's nothing on the radio but Top 40 and Christian Rock. Christan Rock, there's an oxymoron for you. I need my tunes!"

Rory looked over at her, beginning to get annoyed. "Stop complaining about the tunes!"

"Stop complaining about our whereabouts!"

"That's it!" Cassie unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed towards the trunk, desperate for some snacks.

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