•Chapter Two•

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Sousuke wasn't sure why Makoto wasn't acting like his usual self at the shared swim practice. All Sousuke knew is that he found Makoto leaning against the wall, watching the other swimmers running their laps with furrowed brows. When Sousuke took up a spot on the wall next to him, Makoto only stayed quiet for a few moments before turning to Sousuke and saying, "Do you think I'm boring?"

Sousuke gave him a confused look. Makoto and him may have known each other for a while now, but their actual friendship was still new. New enough that Sousuke was surprised Makoto was comfortable asking him his opinion of Makoto, but then again, Sousuke was always slower than others to open up.

"No? Why do you ask?"

Makoto bit at his bottom lip. "Okay, well, how would you describe me then?"

"I don't... I mean... you're nice? And so easily likable to the point that it's kinda intimidating," Sousuke laughed, trying to clear the odd atmosphere between them.

Makoto groaned. "That's what everyone says! I'm nice, which just means boring!"

"Not really? I didn't say that..."

"Sorry, I'm not accusing you of anything," Makoto grumbled, his head falling back against the wall with a soft thud. "I just wish I was more rebellious, like you or Rin. Heck, or even Nagisa!"

Rebellious? Besides swimming, Sousuke didn't really do much besides listen to music and mess around on his phone. And before that, training always kept him from messing around like most teenagers. Sousuke knew (from Rin's constant teasing) that he could come off as intimidating, but rebellious...?

Then again, Makoto didn't say it like it was a bad thing. Sousuke put his hands behind his head and looked off to the distance, taking a dramatic pause before asking, "Well, have you ever tried breaking the rules more?"

Makoto laughed. "No, not at all. I'm boring, remember?"

"You said that, not me," Before Makoto could reply, Sousuke continued. "Anyways, why don't you try it now?"

"Like how?"

"Let's head out somewhere."

"But practice isn't over for another..." Makoto stopped when he saw the level look Sousuke gave him. "Oh, oh, you mean skip practice." The rival captain was ruffling his hair now, glancing over at his friends. Sousuke was sure Makoto was going to back out, but suddenly he turned back to Sousuke and said, "Okay, let's change fast before they notice."

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