Chapter 1: Winter Break

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It had been incredibly cold when Shinji made his way out of the school building, clutching his scarf close to his face to keep it warm, feeling the heat of his breath spread over the fabric as he exhaled through his nose. Today marked the first day of winter break, and Shinji couldn't help but sigh in relief despite the cold biting at his face as he moved away from the school. Midterms had been wicked to him this year, and the stress from endless studying had really been getting to him, but having completed the last test today, he felt some solace. He was actually confident that he'd done well, and the satisfaction he felt was heightened as he thought about the two completely study-free weeks that lay in front of him.

Honestly, he didn't know what he'd do with all that time. Last winter break, he'd stayed in, playing video games by himself, sleeping for far longer than was necessary, and listening to increasingly repetitive songs over and over as he couldn't find any new music. It had been incredibly dull. Asuka had been away on a trip back to Germany for the break, and not wanting her to ridicule him for his loser-ish vacation when she came back, he'd lied, and told her that he stayed in because he was sick.

"Eugh! I can't believe you'd be so careless... getting sick during a break. Probably got it from that stupid Kensuke! I bet he's full of germs. Well, if you're still sick I don't wanna catch whatever gross bug you have. Don't expect me to walk to school with you any time soon, idiot Shinji!". He rolled his eyes recalling her words as she stood outside his apartment, backing away as far from him as she could as if standing in front of him for one second would get her incurably ill.

He had hoped that he'd be able to spend some time with her during this year's break since they hadn't hung out in a while, but to his dismay, she had left for another trip to Germany just yesterday. He considered his options: He could always spend time with Toji... but he and Hikari had finally gotten together recently, and he didn't want to ruin their alone time with each other. Kensuke was out; he and his father had gone on some kind of 'extreme survival camping trip' - Shinji had zoned out when Kensuke expounded upon the finer details of the trip to him - something about roughing it in the frigid woods for a while. He thought of Rei... she was nice to him in class but, she never really talked much, and he wanted to hang out with a friend without having to bear long awkward silences that he didn't know how to break.

Groaning inwardly, he knew he only had one more option, which was currently walking a good way ahead of him, hands in pockets looking as unruffled and graceful as ever. Shinji wondered if it was really worth it. Was staying in for a couple weeks so bad when the alternative was spending time with an annoying fluffy haired nuisance?

Recalling how he'd accidentally broken his old SDAT player throwing it in frustration as he listened to the same cassette for the millionth time, he caved. That new player was expensive, and he'd really hate to break it too.

He sped up a little, not wanting to look too eager as he approached the boy, who's grey hair seemed silvery in the light. Shinji stopped his eyes from roving over the pretty halo of light cast around his hair from the sun, and stared fixedly at a point just over his shoulder. What was he staring at his stupid hair for?

Noticing the sound of approaching footsteps, Kaworu turned his head, and meeting Shinji's eyes, he slowed, lips curling into that placid smile he always had on whenever he looked at him. Shinji resisted the urge to sigh with difficulty - that stupid smile always irked him. Trying to keep his voice free of annoyance, he fell into pace with Kaworu and spoke.

"Uh, hey Nagisa, would it be alright if I came home with you today?"

Kaworu tilted his head to the side, looking at Shinji, his smile becoming bigger. "Oh, of course, Shinji-kun, I don't mind at all." He bumped Shinji's arm lightly with his elbow. "And you know you don't have to call me that. I already said you can use my first name."

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