✺ red guy / harry ✺

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⊛ harry is 17, slightly younger than robin.

⊛ he smells like vanilla and strawberries.

⊛ he has a crush on robin, but he is in denial.

⊛ harry is bisexual.

⊛ his favourite food is bolognese.

⊛ harry loves dogs and would like to have one. 

⊛ he is deathly afraid of roosters. 

⊛ harry is very insecure about his looks.

⊛ his favourite song is Alien Blues by Vundabar.

⊛ he loves the movie Heathers and watches it when nobody is at home and sings along to 'Meant To be Yours' at the top of his voice.

⊛ he becomes very loud and reckless when he's drunk. basically, the opposite of himself.

⊛ he hates tony, i think this is pretty self-explanatory.

⊛ he would literally die for robin or manny. 

⊛ he carries a swiss army knife in his pocket 24/7.

⊛ he will do anything if robin/manny likes it, even if he finds it boring.

⊛ when robin makes him coffee in the morning, he makes him tea in the evening and focuses really hard to get the exact amount of milk and sugar every time.

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