Part 2

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The next morning, I woke up in plenty enough time to make sure I was happy with how I looked for my first day on the job.  I opted for the black pencil skirt with a matching black blazer, a white buttoned up shirt underneath and a pair of black stockings that sat half way up my thighs; topped off with a pair of high, but comfortable, black heels. My long, dark brown hair sat over my shoulders with a slight wave to it and my make-up was minimal but effective; with just the right amount of eye liner to make my green eyes pop.  I stood in front of my mirror one last time, patted down my skirt to get rid of any creases before picking up my handbag and making my way out of the hotel.

I made sure to give myself plenty of time to grab a coffee before getting picked up by the company's taxi firm. I remembered from yesterday when I arrived there was a small, family run coffee shop just a couple of doors down from the hotel so I decided to try it out. 

"Morning, what can I get for you?" The girl with dirty blonde hair behind the counter smiled at me after letting me browse over the menu for a couple of minutes.

"I'll have a large, vanilla latte please with an extra shot of coffee" I said and put the menu back on the counter.

"Extra shot of coffee huh? That sounds like you already know it's going to be a long day" She laughed as she got started on making my drink.

"It's my first day in a new job, so I'm preparing for the worst" I smirked and took out my phone to check the time.

7:05am, 10 minutes until my cab arrives which should get me to the office for 7:30am, meaning I'll still have 30 minutes until my working day starts. I was interrupted from my thoughts when the girl placed my coffee in front of me. 

"There you go miss, first one is on me to say good luck today.  Hopefully you like it, and we see more of you around here" She gave me a warm smile, her eyes lingering on me.

"I'm sure you will" I replied, picking up my coffee and exiting the café.

My cab arrived a few moments later and I took a seat in the back and said good morning to the driver. 'Mmm that is fucking good coffee' I thought to myself as I finished my first couple of sips. I stared out of the window, watching all different kinds of people on their way to work or doing the school run. Being a people watcher came in handy as a distraction to the nerves I was feeling but before I knew it, the cab stopped outside of my new office.

The office building was huge, lined with glass windows the whole length of it and with security standing outside. I approached the building, being careful not to spill my coffee before I'd even set foot in the building (something that I am more than likely to do) and handed over my ID to the tall security officer.

"Miss Stark, they're expecting you on the 4th floor" he told me politely and opened the door, allowing me inside.

I took a few moments to take in my new office building and couldn't quite believe that this was where I worked now. It was fancier than anything I'd ever seen and everyone that walked by looked like they were straight out of a James Bond film. I walked towards the elevator where several people were already standing waiting.  Once we all stepped inside and pressed the buttons for the floor we all needed, a couple of women to my right began conversing between themselves.

"She's just such a bitch, like I know I'm not the best at my job, but she didn't need to shout at me and embarrass me in front of everyone yesterday" one of them said.

"You know it's only because her dad is the CEO, that is the only reason she gets away with talking to people like that" the other one joined in, and I felt that familiar nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach again.

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