Ariel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Alright, fine.” He walked over to you and dragged you to the center of the square so you were equidistant from all the targets you had set up. He grabbed a quiver of arrows from the same place you got your bow and swung it over your shoulder. “Let’s get going then.”

The rest of the day was Ariel instructing you on how to stand, how to nock the arrow, how far back you should be pulling, and the correct positions of your shoulders. You were clumsy, that was inevitable, but you felt you somewhat got the hang of it by the time the sun began to set.

Ariel was a great teacher. You supposed it was because he’s been watching you since you were a baby so he was attuned with your emotions and habits, but he was very patient, never rising to your frustrations when you got something wrong and always making sure to help you in a way that you would understand.

By the end of the day your stance was “a bit weak”, according to Ariel, and your arms were tired from keeping them up for so long (you really should start exercising). All in all, it was a good lesson, and you were prepared to do more tomorrow.

Athleticism has never come easy to you. General disinterest in both sports and just physical activity has deterred you from keeping your body in shape now that you're in a world with dangerous monsters, and you plan to go do dangerous things… you had to get off your ass.

You planned to get into shape and learn archery at the same time, along with Ariel's lessons in martial arts but you figured you'd do that when you were more adept, so you could sign up for the Adventurer's Guild and start making money.

You supposed you could sign up now and take some low rank positions inside or around the city. That would start getting you a steady income and help you learn the land that you had neglected to explore in game. Your only real worry was whatever you'd meet on the road, but if it's some slimes, you're fairly confident you could punch the shit out of them.

"I can't believe you're still out here." A smooth chuckle caused you to spin around.

You had to stop yourself from gaping. In front of you was the infamous Cavalry Captain with no cavalry, Kaeya Alberich, and he was just as handsome in your new real world than he was behind a screen.

His navy hair framed his high cheekbones and complimented his tan skin perfectly. His outfit hugged his body in a way that had to be anything but practical and his heavy boots thumped against the stone as he approached you.

Damn was the only thought going through your head. You shook your head when you realized you had been staring and the Captain had been looking at you with a knowing gaze.

"Yes." You stumbled out. "How uh, how did you know that?"

Kaeya's amusement seemed to grow and a look over at Ariel, whose head was in his palm, was enough to tell you that you sounded like a complete dumbass.

"I have morning and evening patrols." He chuckled. "I saw you in the morning and I'm currently on my evening patrol."

Your cheeks heated. "Well how did you know I didn't leave between those two times?"

He outright laughed. "I heard some Knights talking about 'the clumsy one with a bow who's been at it all day' and I figured that was you. They were right."

"About what?" Your hands were on your hips and though you tried to look challenging, you're pretty sure you looked like a weak, little puppy to him.

"That you were clumsy. You're so obviously an ammatuer that it actually kind of hurts." He placed a hand on his boob-heart- and gave you a fake wounded look.

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