Squidward was at the sink washing his hands when Spongebob walked in. Squidward stayed silent and pretended to not have seen the little yellow sponge enter.

Spongebob nervously passed Squidward and then to a urinal to do his business, they avoided eye contact, Squidward quickly finished up cleaning his hands and grabbed a hand towel to dry them off. Spongebob zips up his pants and quickly washes his hands before slipping right in front of the door before Squidward could exit.

"Move." Squidward grumbled, his cheeks were tainted with a light bit of blush.

Spongebob wanted an excuse to spend more time with Squidward... he needed to think fast.

"Break isn't over yet!" Spongebob quickly squeaked.

"Yeah...? I rather spend my break OUT of this disgusting bathroom Spongebob, now move." He grabs the sponge easily and moves him out of the way before opening the door and exiting the bathroom. Spongebob quickly followed out behind him.

"Sooo whatcha gonna do on this break?" Spongebob asked as he walked behind Squidward. The cephalopod rolled his eyes and headed into the kitchen then through the back door of the krusty krab, Spongebob followed.

He passed the garbage and went around to the side of the building before taking a seat on the floor, he pulled out a magazine from his pocket and began to read, whilst Spongebob squeezed beside the pod sitting as close as possible to him.

"Do you mind?" Squidward grumbled.

"Not at all!" Spongebob smiled and scooted closer. Squidward just sighed... he knew he wasn't going to get away from the yellow idiot so he lets it be, for now.

"Just be quiet, I want to read." Squidward grumbled before holding the magazine up to his face to avoid any more contact with the Sponge.

Spongebob stayed silent, his little legs were laid out and his feet taped together making a little cling every moment or so, gosh this sponge was full of so much innocence.

Squidward ignored the sponge and continued to read, he wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of attention., he refused.

Spongebob slowly leaned his head against Squidward's shoulder and slyly wrapped his arm underneath the others, he stared up into his dark maroon eyes, his own eyes sparkling with hope and love.

Squidward stared down, he felt his insides melt... he gulped as a dark colour raised to his cheeks, tried to usher back, shifting in his spot, moving from the others grasp. His eyes were wide... he couldn't seem to look away from Spongebob's dazzling gaze, it was hypnotising.

"You're so cute Squiddy!' Spongebob squeaked cutely as he fluttered his eyelashes up and down playfully.

Squidward gulped again, he rubbed his neck anxiously and laughed nervously.

"D-dwell I-I erm..." He was becoming extremely vulnerable from Spongebob.

Spongebob giggled, he felt like his little plan was working perfectly~ he leaned closer, practically crawling toward him, Squidward moved back and leaned against the wall, he took a shaky breath as his face only went darker.

"What are you planning on wearing tonight Squiddy~?" Spongebob purred.

Squidward's breath was shaky, he blinked a few times to try to come back to reality.

"Uh- y-you'll see later..." he averts his eyes from the other.

Spongebob giggled helplessly and crawled closer, he was practically on top of Squidward at this point, the pod was starting to panic, he shivered helplessly as he stared into those big blue hypnotising eyes.

Squidward realised he was gazing and dazing off so he quickly shifted backwards and pulled at his shirt collar to get some air... how come this silly yellow sponge was so hard to resist?! Squidward had never felt this way in the past... Why was it so different? Squidward didn't know but he didn't want to find out. He stood up and brushed himself off. Spongebob was quick to stand up right beside him.

"Break time is over." Squidward snapped quickly as he headed towards the back door. Spongebob squeaked, he looked down at his wrist watch and then grabbed Squidward's wrist in a panic.

"W-Wait! There are still 5 more minutes..." Spongebob anxiously looked down at his feet realising he was starting to be extremely obvious that he wanted this time with Squidward.

Squidward froze up from the contact, his cheek darkened, he looked back and stared into Spongebob's needy, desperate eyes... Why did it melt Squidward's heart...?

"You're acting clingier than usual... and usually you're real clingy." Squidward pulled his arm away and crossed them as he stared down at the small sponge.

"I... just... well... ever since last night..." Spongebob nervously took his work hat into his hands and started to fidget with it as he kept his eyes glued up at the taller blue sea creature.

Squidward's knees felt weak, his cheeks went extremely dark, his breathing picked up, jaw dropping slightly he gasps then quickly furrows his brows and growls.

"For neptune sake Spongebob! Get over last night! It was just a stupid game! None of it meant anything! I do not like you, I will never like you. Now quit this nonsense so we can get back to our normal lives!" Squidward harshly snapped at the anxious, sensitive Sponge.

Spongebob examined Squidward's features as he popped off with anger, the little, wholesome Sponge was too distracted by the 'beauty' of Squidward to pay even the slightest attention to what he was blabbing about.

"You're so strong when angry Squiddy~ so... courageous..." Spongebob sighed helplessly, his eyelids dropping low as he smirked up at his co-worker.

Squidward's whole face turned a dark red, his body tightened and breath hitched, he stared down at Spongebob's daring eyes... Neptune damn it! Squidward wanted to just kiss this idiot! His body became weak... he simply stared at Spongebob's bright sky blue eyes.

Spongebob could tell he was starting to get to Squidward... he could see him cracking under the pressure... buuut he needed more time to dwell on his emotions.

Beep beep

"Ooh! Break's over!" Spongebob giggled. He slyly walked back inside, he closed the door behind him leaving Squidward alone with his thoughts. The Sponge giggled to himself, humming happily as he walked over to his stove.

Squidward simply stood there... just... frozen in place, cheeks still bright red. He gulped, clearing his throat. He could feel a strain of sweat dripping from his forehead. He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Get a hold of yourself... this is Spongebob we're talking about! That little tormenting soft hearted, sweet smiling... cute idiot..." Squidward squeaked and covered his mouth.

"NO! No, nO! This can't be happening... I can't like Spongebob... I can't, I can't... it was one stupid kiss, this isn't anything! ... right!?" Squidward wasn't even sure if he could even believe himself anymore.

He awkwardly and quietly tried to sneak past Spongebob to head back to his station buuut he wasn't quiet enough, the sponge could hear his little suction cups sticking to the floorboards.

"Squiddy~" he calls.

Bikini Bottom Luau // SquidbobΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα