The Great Swordsman Appears - Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro

Start from the beginning

Just then, Marines came in and attacked me. "You're not gonna make it out", Zoro said matter-of-factly. I fought them all off and it was going smoothly until one of them sprayed me with something in the eye. I fell to the ground in pain and the next thing I knew when I could see, I was tied up next to Zoro.

"I told you you wouldn't make it", Zoro said staring straight. "I regret nothing", I said honestly. Zoro turned his head to look at me before smiling, "Same"

It's been 2 weeks and Zoro and I are still alive. We were still tied up in the Marines headquarters when two boys, obviously teenagers popped up on the wall and were blabbing endlessly about who-knows-what. "Hey, you guys. You're bothering me", Zoro spoke not looking up. "Get lost", he finished finally looking at them. I looked up to get a good view as well.

The two were whispering something to each other when Rika climbed up the fence stealthily and ran over to Zoro and I. "What?", Zoro said nonchalantly. "Do you need something?", I added rather coldly. "Aren't you guys hungry? I made you some onigiri", Rika said with a big smile obviously not understanding the situation we were in. "You're gonna be killed, shorty. Go away", Zoro said. "Rika, just leave. I'm not in the mood for this", I chimed in. "You haven't eaten anything though", she said unwrapping the package. ""Here! This is my first time...but I made it with all my heart", she said holding the two balls of onigiri towards us with a big smile.

I felt Zoro flinch before he stated, "I'm not hungry! You're annoying! Hurry up and go home" "Rika just go", I said getting a little angry myself. I appreciated the thought but I wanted to think right now and she was disturbing me. "But..", she said sadly. "We don't want any!", Zoro and I shouted at the same time. "Don't make me hurt you!", Zoro threatened at the same time I said, "Get it through your thick skull!"

The gates suddenly flung open as Helmeppo and two Marines came in. "You shouldn't be bullying kids", he stated cockily as he walked towards us with a laugh. "Looks like you're still energetic, Roronoa Zoro and the same can be said for you, Alpharetta Ontario", he said playing with his collar. "Hey, that onigiri looks pretty good", he said bending to look at the balls of onigiri. He snatched one and took a bite out of it while Rika protested.

"Nasty! It's full of sugar! Onigiri needs salt! Salt!", he yelled while he looked like he had eaten poison. I'm glad I didn't eat that. "But I thought it would taste better sweet", Rika admitted innocently still holding the other ball. Helmeppo snatched it from her throwing it on the floor and stomping on it. Rika cried as she watched the sight on her knees. Helmeppo was a heartless man. "I tried to make it with all my heart", Rika mumbled sadly. Helmeppo pretended to sympathize with her before pulling out a poster. "You haven't read this poster yet? 'Anyone who helps these criminals will be executed – Marine Captain Morgan'", he said. Rika tensed up at this and I gritted my teeth.

"Brat, you know who my father is, right", Helmeppo stated. He had to bring in his father again. Such a coward. "Hey, toss this brat out", he ordered a Marine behind him. The Marine started sweat dropping at the idea of throwing a kid. I guess some of them have good hearts after all. Helmeppo grabbed him by the collar and said, "I'm telling you to toss her outside! Are you disobeying my orders? I'll tell my father!" "Yes, right away", the Marine responded. He then bent down and picked Rika up throwing her out.

My eyes went wide. How could he just do that? Helmeppo walked up to Zoro as Zoro muttered, "You bastard" Helmeppo just laughed like Zoro had told the world's funniest joke. "It seems like you're pretty stubborn, being alive still. Especially you, Alpharetta. I thought girls would be dead by now", he directed at me. "Well, I'm not your ordinary girl. So, don't underestimate me. I'm the Alpha and I will survive this last week", I growled at him. "Yeah, I will live through the entire month", Zoro added. "Well, do your best", Helmeppo said before laughing. He and the other Marines started walking away before Zoro said, "10 more days left" "Then it's over", I finished. "Only if you live that long", Helmeppo replied still laughing.

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