2D was gently rubbing my belly with a huge grin on his face.

"A boy and a girl" 2D says in a exciting tone.

"Yeah, I know" I say while smiling big.

"I can't wait to tell everyone" says 2D.

"Me to" I say in agreement.

"What should their names be?" 2D asks.

"Do you have any names in mind?" I ask in curiosity.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we can name our little boy...Bb/n" 2D suggested.

"I love it" I say in a loving tone.

"You can name our little girl" 2D says with a grin.

"Ok" I nodded.

"How about Bg/n" I suggested.

"I love it" 2D says with a bigger grin.

Then he gently lifted my shirt up, which left my belly exposed  and he started kissing on it.

Seeing that made me smile.


Narrator pov

A couple months went by and right now, Y/n and 2D we're on their way to Y/n's parents house for their baby shower.

Y/n was now seven months pregnant.

Her pregnancy has been hard since she's been having mood swings, cravings for weird mixture of foods, and not being able to do much because of her big belly.

But 2D has been trying so hard to make sure she was comfortable and relaxed since she's been feeling nervous about giving birth in a couple of months.


Y/n pov

We just arrived to my parents house and we saw a blue and pink balloon on their mailbox.

Instead of walking, 2D had finally bought a car.

After he parked the car, he got out and helped me out, he's just the sweetest.

After I got out of the car, we walked hand in hand to the door.

Then 2D knocked at the door and my Mom answers.

"Hello sweetie and Stuart come on in" Mom says while gesturing us to come in.

"Thanks Mom" I say while smiling.

So we walked in and their was blue and pink balloons and streamers everywhere.

Merissa, Chris, Murdoc, Russell, Noodle, Lilly, Jenny, Valerie, Johnny, Baxter, and Dylan came to our baby shower.

They all bought gifts.

Right now we were eating.

"So Y/n, how have you been feeling?" Merissa asks.

"Well, being pregnant is hard so I'll be happy when I'm not anymore but at the same time I'm nervous about giving birth" I say in a worry tone.

"Don't worry my love, I'll be their when the time comes" 2D says while wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I know" I say while kissing his cheek.

"So, what are their names?" Noodle asks.

"We've named our boy Bb/n and our girl Bg/n" I say while rubbing my belly.

"Aww, those are beautiful names" Lilly says with a squeal.

"Thanks Lilly" I say with a big smile.

"I hope you can bring them to our Kong Studios whenever we have rehearsals" says Murdoc.

"As long as you don't drink, smoke, beat up my boyfriend, and also not yell then sure" I say.

"Of course" Murdoc nodded.

"Can I babysit?" Noodle asks in excitement.

"Of course Noodle, but we'll have to go over the stuff you'll need to know about taking care of them" 2D says with a grin.

"Yay!" Noodle cheered.

"I'll help as well" says Russell.

"Thanks Russell" both 2D and I say.

"Alright, are we ready for Y/n to open the gifts?" Mom asks.

We all nodded.

So after we got into the living room, I began to open the presents.

We got lots of diapers, lots of boy and girl baby clothes, the two bassinets I liked, two baby swings, a couple of baby bath kits, and boy and girl baby toys.

After opening all the gifts, we hung out for a while until we decided to head home, so after we packed everything in the car we said thank you and goodbye to everyone.

We started to drive home.

A/n: Bb/n= baby boy name
        Bg/n= baby girl name

I figured everyone has different likes of names, so I want everyone to choose what their names should be.

How I met the love of my life 2d x readerWhere stories live. Discover now