chapter 20

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Y/n pov

After a while of walking, me and 2D arrived to Merissa's house.

I see Merissa sitting on her porch swing and was on her phone.

"Hey Merissa" I say.

Merissa looks up and sees us, then she smiles big.

"Hey you guys" Merissa says while waving.

"It's good to see you again Merissa" says 2D.

"Good to see you to 2D" Merissa says with a smile.

"Let's go inside" Merissa says while leading us inside.


Merissa pov

"What would you guys like to eat?" I ask in curiosity.

"I'm fine with anything" says Y/n.

"Same here" says 2D.

"Ok, I'll fix us some bacon, eggs, and toast" I say while getting the stuff out.

"Sounds good" both Y/n and 2D say.

While I was cooking I couldn't help but watch Y/n and 2D sitting at the kitchen table together talking.

I couldn't help but think that they look so cute together. I just hope that their relationship will take another step in the future.

After a while of cooking I was finally done.

"Ok, breakfast is ready come and get it" I say.

"We're coming Merissa" says Y/n.


Narrator pov

So after Y/n, Merissa, and 2D filled up their plates they all sat down at the kitchen table and began to eat.


Y/n pov

"You're cooking is still the best Merissa" I say with a smile.

"Nah, your cooking is way better then mine Y/n" says Merissa.

"I doubt it Merissa" I say chuckling.

"It's true, back in high school you won first place in the cake contest that we had, due to it being the best tasting cake ever" says Merissa.

"Yours was really good to" I say.

"Thanks, but it sucked that I didn't win first, second or third place that day" Merissa says with a frown.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"You won first place in a cake contest?" 2D asks in shock.

"Yeah, but it was in high school" I explained.

"That's cool" 2D says with excitement.

"It's no big deal really" I say while chuckling.

"Y/n, your the best chef I have ever known" says Merissa.

"Well thank you Merissa, I did learn from the best" I say with a small smile.

"Are you referring to your parents love, if you don't mind me asking?" 2D asks with a sad look.

"No, I'm talking about my grandmother" I say.

"Your grandmother taught you?" 2D asks.

"Yeah, it was when I was around fourteen and fifteen years old at the time, one day I was spending time with her and she thought it was time for me to learn how to cook, so she taught me everything I needed to know" I say.

"Yeah, her grandmother was an amazing chef" says Merissa.

"Really" 2D says in amazement.

"Yep" Merissa nodded.

"Yeah she was, I remember she used to be a lunch lady back in a elementary school, I can't remember what the name of it was though, but she was the best lunch lady the school has ever had" I say with a smile.

"Wow" 2D says in amazement.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't be able to know how to cook myself meals" I say while chuckling.

"But Merissa, didn't your parents teach you guys?" 2D asks in confusion.

"My parents would of helped, but they used to always work all the time so they never had the time" says Merissa.

"It's true" I nodded.

"But luckily Y/n's grandmother helped me as well but mostly Y/n did" Merissa says with a smile.

"It's what friends do Merissa" I say with a smile.


Narrator pov

After a while Merissa, Y/n and 2D were finally done eating.


Y/n pov

"Do you have to work today Merissa?" I ask in curiosity.

"Nope, I'm taking time off to spend time with you Y/n, after almost getting kidnapped I figured you still probably don't want to be alone at your house" says Merissa.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"I wouldn't mind if you stayed at my house again" 2D mumbles quietly to himself.

"What was that 2D?" both Merissa and I ask.

"Nothing" 2D says while blushing.

"Oh ok" both me and Merissa say.


2D pov

"Pew that was close" I thought to myself while blushing.


Y/n pov

"So, what do you guys wanna do now?" I ask.

"Well, I need to go to the grocery store" says 2D.

"How about we all go together" Merissa suggested.

"Is that ok with you 2D?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'd love that" 2D says with a smile.

"Well let me clean up and then we'll get going" says Merissa.

"Sounds good" both me and 2D say.


Narrator pov

After Merissa was done cleaning, all three of them headed outside, Merissa locked the door, and all three of them headed to the grocery store together.

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