Chapter 1 : Getting Thrown

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On a one random fine day, the birds are singing. The sky is shining. On days like this, bustling crowds where people are going to do their everyday lifes. And the monsters who are wrecking havoc as always.

There on a certain company laids a precious person who's loved by gods.

Kim Rok Soo.

An infamous individual who leads Team 1 with 0% death rate. A person who people in the same company would idolize and probably worshi- *ahem*

Reddish-brown eyes with his silky black raven hair. His natural cold demeanor but people who has been with him the longest knows his undying warm heart despite his stubbornness.

A person who leads them through victory battles in a very efficient way. Who finishes weeks worth of paperworks in just a day. A person who has very hot thighs and biceps—



.... *looks away*

The narrator is caught simping.


"Team leader! There's been reports of an unranked monster 3 stops away!" A man who seemed to be sweating all over shouts while barging in the office of Team 1.

There the man saw the infamous team leader giving instructions to the newbies that has just arrived.

The person who has reddish-brown eyes sighs, thinking that he would have to stay up all night doing paperworks again.

"Everybody get ready! We're going in 3 minutes."

""Yes Team leader!""

Team 1, a famous team where some guilds around would try to dominate. Unfortunately, their scary-ass looking leader isn't having any of it.

There was this one time where a close guild came to their company and starts a riot. Kim Rok Soo, who's tired after 2 unranked monsters suddenly came that day just throw the poor lad out of the window.

Not that any of the workers in the company cares.

In short, Kim Rok Soo is a menace.

It was a second nature that all of the company workers except the higher ups would take note to never piss off Kim Rok Soo. Once you do, you'll have worse than nightmares.

Well there are some people in the company who idolize him, it's undoubtedly not wrong that Kim Rok Soo has a handsome face despite his scary aura. Once the workers see his actual true nature of his warm leader heart, most of them probably developed a one-sided crush on the leader.

Too bad that the Team 1 members is sort of protecting Kim Rok Soo from them. he does needs it, a truly dense bastard at it's finest.

"Everyone, Team leader has already went to the area! We need to catch up to him!" Kim Min Ah said loudly as she drags Jung So Hoon with her.

They needed to hurry before Team leader Kim Rok Soo do something stupid again. Everyone in Team 1 knows his habit of fainting.

It's not entirely stupid plan, it was a calculated plan to minimize any damages. but damn it Team leader! Stop sacrificing yourself!

So all of them marches their way to the area.


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