Joey Logano -Champions

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"Go kill it babe, I'll be here when you win it," Mallory said to Joey after the anthem. "I love you," Joey smiled, and kissed her.  "Good luck Daddy!" Aden their son fist bumped Joey.

Once the engines were fired, the cars headed out for their warmup laps.

"He's got this," Mallory whispered to herself. Their four year old son, born just before the 2018 Cup Championship, on her lap. His name is Aden Thomas Logano.

Joey won stage one, finished stage two second behind Blaney who won it, and then Joey won the final stage and Championship.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Mallory yelled, standing up. Joey's crew chief turned around and smiled at her, "He fuckin did it!"

"DADDY DID IT?!" Aden exclaimed.

"Yes he did!" Mallory smiled.

Mallory and Aden  watched Joey do the burnout behind the wall, and she was ushered over the wall after the race. Joey did his interview, and then he walked over to Mallory and Aden. "You did it!! I'm so proud of you," Mallory smiled up at Joey. Joey took Aden up to get the checkered flag then came back to Mallory. "It's amazing, and only one thing would make it better," Joey said. "What else could be better than winning a championship?" Mallory asked.

Joey reached into the pocket of his firesuit, and pulled out a velvet box. , "Mallory, you've been there with me through it all, two championships now, and I finally think it's time to make you my wife." Joey opened the box, and got down on one knee. "Mallory Grace Johnson, will you marry me?" Joey asked her.

Mallory nodded, with tears falling, "Yes!"

Joey smiled, sliding the ring on her finger. He kissed her and spun her around.

Mallory smiled, at him, "So can I take Aden to victory lane in the car with me?" Joey asked an official. "I don't see why not," The official replied. 
She met Joey in victory lane, then helped Aden out, then Joey climbed out behind her, and she took a video of him climbing out of the car, celebrating.

After the trophy presentation, pictures, and many interviews, they went to the ring presentation,  and after that, it was a few more interviews, before they headed back to the campground, and went in the motor home. They had sent Aden home to North Carolina with Mallory's parents.

"So now what? This is a whole lot different from 2018," Mallory said, kicking off her boots.

"We celebrate!" Joey exclaimed, picking her up and throwing her on the bed.


"Damn that was hot," Mallory smirked. "Yeah it was," Joey replied. "So I think we need to go on a lil trip, and get married. I don't wanna wait," he said.

"Bahamas? Costa Rica? Hawaii? Oh my god we could do a wedding and honeymoon wrapped up into one," Mallory smiled.

"Hawaii, let's do it," Joey replied.

November 13, they were on a plane just them and Aden, on their plane to Maui, Hawaii. They had some of their closest friends who were coming as well: Coleman, his spotter, and Coleman's wife; Ryan Blaney, his girlfriend;, Austin Cindric, Josef Newgarden and his wife. They also invited Roger Penske, and crew chief Paul Wolfe.

Some of Mallory's family members were coming as well, including her Dad, Steve, mom, Kelly; Chase Elliott, who was super close to Mallory, and a few others.

They got to Hawaii, "Oh it's beautiful," Mallory smiled. "Just like you," Joey said.

They got to the resort and checked in, "Reservations under Logano," Joey said.

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