part 2 the walk..

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                  ~lily, pov~
When I walked out the
coffee cafe I followed the couple to the woods without them knowing i got out my pocket knife I ran up to the guy and put the knife in he fell to the ground the girl tried to run but I grabbed her and threw her down then I sliced her stomach open I mean it's not the first time I did this then I went home James was texting someone I smile "hey hun you haven't been talking lately" James said as he looked up at me "mm cool"
I said "you act like you don't even care about me!"James said as he got up and walked to me but It wasn't scared it wasn't the first time he did this I pushed him back and pull out my knife "no pls!" He said I laughed "tell me all your secrets" I said "ok fine I cheated on you!" James said
"Pls don't be mad" James said "oh don't worry I already know" I sliced his throat.

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