She's 10, she doesn't need to know that!

Start from the beginning

"First hug!" She answered. 

"Ooh! I'll tell that one!" Harper exclaimed. 

"Floor's yours." Griffin offered. 


"We did it, it worked!" Harper exclaimed, jumping in a circle. 

"I know! I haven't seen my dad that happy in forever." Griffin said. 

"Same for my mom." Harper replied. 

Harper's mom called her to the car. 

"Just a minute mom! Hey, something you said earlier surprised me." Harper said with a smile. 

"Yeah? What's that?" Griffin asked, returning her smile. 

"You called me your best friend." Harper said running a hand through her hair. 

"Oh- yeah. That's cause, you...are? Is that weird?" Griffin asked, looking down. 

"Actually, it's the nicest thing you've ever said." Harper said hugging him tightly. Griffin was taken aback by the hug. Harper then shoved a lock of hair behind her ear and waved goodbye before prancing to her moms car. 

Griffin smiled and fist pumped. 


"First kiss! First kiss!" Lana chanted. 

"My turn." Griffin said with a smile. 


Griffin laid in his bed in the Tremont. Harper walked into the room and flopped on the bed and sighed. 

"What's wrong? Rough day?" Griffin asked. 

"Yeah." Harper answered. 

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Griffin asked. 

"Not really." Harper replied truthfully. 

"Then what do you need?" Griffin asked. 

"Nothing." Harper answered. Griffin nodded. 

Girls were confusing! 

He was looking at his phone, smiling at a video of a dog snuggling with a kitten. 

Harper looked over his shoulder and chuckled at the video. 

They were so close on his bed right now. She had never felt like this before. Okay, that's a lie, she's always liked him but right now, she couldn't wait any longer to make him hers. 

She rubbed Griffin's shoulder. He looked up at her. He then looked back at his phone. 

She kissed his cheek. When he looked up in surprise she kissed him on the lips. 

He then sat up and kissed her back. 


"First time! Please????" Lana begged. 

"How do you know what that is young lady?" Harper asked. 

"Grampa." Lana answered honestly. 

"Ben...." Harper sighed. 

"Dang it dad..." Griffin sighed. 

"Daddy was the shy one during it, wasn't he." Lana asked. 

Griffin put on an annoyed face. 

"We are no talking about this right now L-" Griffin was interrupted by Harper. 

"Yeah he was." Harper answered. 

"Harper!" Griffin exclaimed. 

"What?! Were you not?" Harper asked. 

"Okay, but she's 10! She doesn't need to know that!" Griffin exclaimed. 

Harper laughed. 

"I wanna do that with a boy!" Lana exclaimed excitedly. 

Harper stifled a giggle and Griffin's mouth hung open wide. 

"Good job sweetie! You've officially traumatized your father!" Harper exclaimed with a laugh. 

Lana bounced out of the room. 

"Oh Lord..." Griffin said quietly. 

Harper walked over and kissed him before kissing his neck. He blushed. 

"Yep, still the shy one." Harper said with a smile. He playfully rolled his eyes. 

Love that Lasts (SOSS) (Harper x Griffin) (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now