Chapter 3 "Sadness & Healed Heart"

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The plane arrives at base, we all get off the plane and Johnny started to speak with Kenshi.

Johnny: "So when did they show up?"

Kenshi: "The portal opened by the docks a few hours ago."

Kenshi: "Nearly 5,000 in all, Refugees--from the Outworld civil war."

Kung Jin: "Must be bad if they risked coming to Earthrealm."

Kenshi: "After you."

Everyone else walked ahead of Kenshi, but Takeda stayed back a bit to have a mind talk or whatever their secret way of speaking is. Everyone is inside the S-F tent, having small conversations. And you decided to be the older brother that you are, decided to talk to your brother about Jacqui.

Y/N: "So uh Y/B/N, what's the deal with you and Jacqui?"

Your brother starts to blush.

Y/B/N: "What are you talking about?"

Y/N: "I saw that, you like her go talk to her."

Y/B/N: "Oh yeah, what about you and Cassie huh?"

Now your the one who is blushing

Y/B/N: "Ah I see what's going on."

Y/N: "Okay I'll admit because I don't lie like you do, I like Cassie."

Y/B/N: "1: I knew you liked Cassie and 2: Ow my heart and pride."

Y/B/N: "However, I do like Jacqui though."

Y/N: "That's pretty obvious."

Y/N: "We'll continue this conversation later, General Blade wants our attention."

You both turned over to Sonya.

Sonya: "Thanks Kenshi, Could you and Mr. Cage join us?"

Sonya: "Sergeant Cage, you and your team as you were."

Everyone in the team including you and your brother had to move to the back of the table.

Raiden: "This is Li Mei, She seeks asylum for her people in Earthrealm."

Li Mei: "Our village, Sun Do was the epicenter of a fierce battle."

Li Mei: "We barely escaped with our lives."

Johnny: "Such as war."

Sonya turns her head at Johnny

Johnny: "I mean no offense but."

Johnny: "You Outworlders kinda live for that, right?"

Li Mei: "This was different."

Li Mei: "The rebels, Mileena had a weapon unlike anything."

Li Mei: "Entire battalions, erased."

Li Mei: "It was not honorable, not kombat."

Raiden: "Tell me more about the weapon."

Li Mei: "A talisman, Gold with a center jewel."

Li Mei: "Mileena wields it's crimson energy without precision."

Cassie: "Well that's good then--"

Sonya: "Not now Sergeant Cage."

You felt bad for Cassie all she was trying to do is be sarcastic, and enthusiastic and got disapproval as she looked down.

Li Mei: "It's enough that she possess it, it turns the tide in her favor."

Li Mei: "The emperor grows desperate."

Cassie Cage x Male Reader (MK10-MK11)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz