While the King rushed everyone to find a new wet nurse as quickly as possible, the grand maester suggested against the idea, stating it would take time and unfortunately they do not have much of it in hand. He then reminded the King of his eldest daughter; who was still nursing her second even though he born last year.

That was all it took for King Viserys to snatch the child from his Queen's arms and unceremoniously thrust her into the arms of his heir.

Alicent hoped, she desperately hoped for it to be a temporary solution. Meant to last just for couple of days.


What seemed to be a few weeks passed by, with the maesters trying everything they could to bring the Queen to produce milk.

No remedies worked.

Her breasts remained dry.

On the other hand Princess Rhaenyra gladly took upon the task of breastfeeding Aemma. While the latter's birth mother was left to watch from afar, with frosty expression on her face and a bitter taste in her mouth.

Her bond with her child already set on the path to diminish.

Alicent was always bothered by the queer customs of the Targaryens. But until now she had never felt so disgusted by it. First Daeron was made to share wet-nurse with Jacerys Velaryon and now...

Perhaps a whore from the Streets of Silk was indeed a better choice.

During her regular nightly prayers Alicent Hightower found herself quietly questioning the gods she was devoted to, asking why have they put her and her daughter through such difficult journey? She carried the child in her womb for ten moons. Laid down on the birthing bed for hours suffering excruciating pain. And yet she could not have the sheer delight of naming the babe. Perhaps the only chance she had to honour her dead mother was lost at the hand of her husband who at that moment saw this as his only chance at redemption.

It was a blow the young woman felt straight into her heart.

Even before she could heal and come to terms accepting the reality she was forced to accept, gods threw more her way.

Her ability to feed the child getting taken away.

Another must do the task on her behalf. Rhaenyra.

The situation was utterly unjust.

And Alicent felt no remorse as she secretly wished for the child to have been born deformed... dead...


The following week, Aemma had been presented before the rest of her siblings.

Ironic, how Princess Rhaenyra was the first to meet and hold little Aemma (even before her own mother), whereas her full blooded siblings had to wait an entire week. Even if Alicent was upset about it, she did not let it be shown.

Viserys summoned them all to his personal quarter and have them circle around the cradle. Aegon, Helaena, Aemond standing and Daeron in their mother's arms.

"Children meet your youngest sister, Aemma."

Viserys introduced, uttering his youngest daughter's name with tenderness as if it is his salvation. Alicent Hightower grimaced beside her husband. It is a name she is all too familiar with. As it is the only name he breathes... it is the only name he sighs...while in bed with her.

Since her marriage Alicent was forced to coexist with the ghost of her husband's first wife. Now her children must adapt as well. As his favours are blatantly on display. King Viserys rarely attended the nursery when it was occupied by his other children. But now for the girl named Aemma a separate cradle has been placed inside his personal quarter.

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