Punchable faces

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(Reverb's pov)

I had just caught a Ralts! He seems..excited?..yeah he's excited to be here. I named him Remy
Remy likes that..
I hope he enjoys the team..
After leveling up Mio a little and catching her up with Toasty..and a few bites from the rowdy girl..
I decided to train up Randy
With mild success..and almost dying
I'm sorry Randy..

I continued on my walk to the next whatever and...

"Hey you!" Brenden called out to me

I turned around and walked to him

"Hey Brenden."

"How's it going, Reverb?"

"It's good. I caught a Ralts."
Remy peeked his little head from behind me..only to get spooked by Brenden and hiding behind me again

I smiled sheepishly
"Er..sorry..he's a little shy."

Brenden smiled and shook his head "that's okay."

"Anyways, hope you've been using your DexNav and perfecting your sneaky skills."

"Yeah..I've been totally using that.." i chuckle nervously

Something rustled in the grass


We both walked up to the grass to investigate

"Whoa! Check em' out, Reverb!"

A hoard of beautifly flew by

How pretty.

"It's like..i don't know...seeing them like that makes me feel kinda...warm. You know?
All right then! We're nearly there! Petalburg, here we come!"

After Brenden left, i decided to train up Remy a bit and it's going well.
I had to switch to Randy so Remy wouldn't die


I think it went well.

More training!!

Might go into the gym after..
Maybe Ethan's there..
Oh yay! So exciting
After another battle
I decided to go to the gym!

I went the wrong way-

"Not bad...it was a good battle." Ethan nods

"Th-Thank you, sir!" A random boy says


"Come back and challenge me again anytime.
I'll be looking forward to seeing you and your Pokèmon again when you're a bit stronger."

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!
I'm gonna do special training with my Pokèmon. Then I'll challenge this Gym again!
Thank you for the battle, Mr. Ethan!"
And then he walks away

"Hm?" My dad finally notices me and i walk in front of him

"Reverb!" He smiles, going to hug me

Reverb's omega journey!Where stories live. Discover now